Saves the colour palette for the currently open graphics device


This routine saves a section of the colour palette for the currently open graphics device in an HDS container file in the users ADAM directory. The file is called " kappa_palette.sdf" and contains palettes for different devices. Each palette is a _REAL array of shape (3,n) where n is the number of colours in the palette. The first colour (i.e. the first element in the array) is the background colour and is refered to as colour index zero. Therefore the highest colour index in the array is (n-1). Each array has a name which identifies the graphics device to which it refers.

If a palette already exists for the device in the HDS container file, then the values stored in the HDS palette for the range of colour indices specified by CI1 and CI2 are modified to reflect the current colour table, and values in the HDS palette for other colour indices are left unchanged. If no HDS palette already exists, then an entire palette array is created and initally filled with values of




CI1 = INTEGER (Given)
The lowest colour index to save. Greater than or equal to zero. Zero is the background colour.
CI2 = INTEGER (Given)
The highest colour index to save. If a value less than CI1 is given, then the highest available colour index is used.
Should all pens outside the range given by CI1 and CI2 be reset to their default (unspecified) values in the HDS palette? If not, their current values are retained.
STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
The global status.
