/* amsmaster
* A test of ams - run in conjunction with amsslave
* % amsslave &
* % amsmaster
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "sae_par.h"
#include "adam_defns.h"
#include "messys_len.h"
#include "messys_par.h"
#include "ams.h"
int main()
int outmsg_status;
int outmsg_function;
int outmsg_context;
int outmsg_length;
char outmsg_name[32];
char outmsg_value[MSG_VAL_LEN];
int inmsg_status;
int inmsg_context;
int inmsg_length;
char inmsg_name[32];
char inmsg_value[MSG_VAL_LEN];
int status;
int path;
int messid;
int j;
status = 0;
/* Set up components of a GSOC OBEY message. The slave does not care about
* the name component of the message */
outmsg_status = SAI__OK;
outmsg_function = MESSYS__MESSAGE;
outmsg_context = OBEY;
outmsg_length = 16;
strcpy ( outmsg_name, "junk" );
strcpy ( outmsg_value, "master calling" );
/* Register as "master" with the message system */
ams_init ( "master", &status );
if ( status != SAI__OK )
printf ( "master - bad status after ams_init\n" );
/* Get a path to "slave" and report */
ams_path ( "slave", &path, &status );
if ( status != SAI__OK )
printf ( "master - bad status after ams_path\n" );
printf ( "master - path set up ok\n" );
/* Perform 1000 identical transactions - send a GSOC obey message and
* await an initial acknowledgement (message_status = DTASK__ACTSTART)
* and a completion message (message_status = SAI__OK) */
for ( j=0; j<1000; j++ )
/* Send the OBEY command */
ams_send ( path, outmsg_function, outmsg_status, outmsg_context,
outmsg_name, outmsg_length, outmsg_value, &messid, &status );
/* Get the acknowledement reply - content not checked */
ams_getreply ( MESSYS__INFINITE, path, messid, 32, MSG_VAL_LEN,
&inmsg_status, &inmsg_context, inmsg_name, &inmsg_length,
inmsg_value, &status );
/* Get the completion reply - content not checked.
* AMS will terminate the transaction if it is the expected message status
* SAI__OK */
ams_getreply ( MESSYS__INFINITE, path, messid, 32, MSG_VAL_LEN,
&inmsg_status, &inmsg_context, inmsg_name, &inmsg_length,
inmsg_value, &status );
/* If all OK, display the last received message value;
* otherwise display the error status */
if ( status != 0 )
printf ( "master: bad status = %d\n", status );
printf ( "master: received - %s\n", inmsg_value );
return 0;