Send a message on a given path


(void)ams_send( path, message_function, message_status,
message_context, message_name, message_length, message_value, messid,
status )


path = int (given)
pointer to the path

message_function = int (given)

message function

message_status = int (given)

message status

message_context = int (given)

message context

message_name = char * (given)

message name

message_length = int (given)

length of value

message_value = char * (given)

message value

messid = int * (returned)

message number issued by this task (returned)

status = int * (given and returned)

global status


This function is used by the application code to send a message to another task on path ’path’.

The expectation is that this is one of a DEINIT message, an INIT message or the first message of a NEW transaction whose transaction number is to be set into ’*messid’.


When used for the first message of a transaction, ams_getfreetrans() is used to obtain a free transaction and the MESSYS__MESSAGE is sent to the other task’s command queue (using ams_sendgsocstart()).

When used to send an INIT message, ams_getfreetrans() is used to obtain a free temporary transaction and the MESSYS__INIT is sent to the other task’s command queue (using ams_sendinit()).

When used to send a DEINIT, ams_senddeinit() is used to send the MESSYS__DE_INIT message to the other task’s command queue.