
Add one or more axes to an NDFs WCS FrameSet


This function adds one or more new axes to all the Frames in an NDF WCS FrameSet. Frames that are known to be NDF-special (e.g. GRID, AXIS, PIXEL and FRACTION) are expanded to include a number of extra appropriate axes equal to the Nin attribute of the supplied Mapping. all other Frames in the FrameSet are replaced by CmpFrames holding the original Frame and the supplied Frame. These new axes are connected to the new GRID axes using the supplied Mapping.


void atlAddWcsAxis( AstFrameSet wcs, AstMapping map, AstFrame frm, int lbnd, int ubnd, int status )


A pointer to a FrameSet that is to be used as the WCS FrameSet in an NDF. This imposes the restriction that the base Frame must have Domain GRID.
A pointer to a Mapping. The forward transformation should transform the new GRID axes into the new WCS axes.
A pointer to a Frame defining the new WCS axes.
An array holding the lower pixel index bounds on the new axes. If a NULL pointer is supplied, a value of 1 is assumed for all the new axes.
An array holding the upper pixel index bounds on the new axes. If a NULL pointer is supplied, any FRACTION Frame in the supplied FrameSet is removed.
Pointer to the global status variable.
