
Find corresponding axes in a pair of Frames or FrameSets


For each axis in the base Frame of " From" , this function finds the index of the most closely aligned axis in the base Frame of " to" , (or the current Frame of " from" if " to" is not supplied), and returns these indices.


void atlPairAxes( AstFrameSet from, AstFrameSet to, double p, const char domainlist, int axes, int status )


An AST pointer to the first FrameSet.
An AST pointer to the second FrameSet. An error is reported if it is not possible to align the two FrameSets using astConvert. If NULL, then the returned axis indices are the indices of the corresponding current axes in " from" .
The axis values of a point within the base Frame of " from" at which the pairing is to be determined. None of the supplied axis values should be zero.
A list of domain names that define the prefered alignment Frames. This list is used by astConvert to align the two FrameSets. Only used if " to" is not NULL.
The length of this array should be equal to the number of base Frame axes in " from" . Each returned value will be the one-based index of the corresponding axis in the base Frame of " to" (or the current Frame of " from" if " to" is not supplied), or zero if no corresponding axis can be found.
The global status.