Reduce an ACSIS science observation using user-defined baseline regions
This recipe first creates a spatial cube from the raw time series data. Then, working on the raw time series data, it subtracts a median time-series signal, thresholds the data, then trims the ends of the frequency range to remove high-noise regions.
After the time-series manipulation has been done to every member of the current group, every member is run through MAKECUBE to create a group spatial cube. This cube then has its baseline removed and moments maps are created.
This recipe is suitable for ACSIS data.
For individual time-series data: median time-series removed with the _tss suffix; thresholded data with the _thr suffix; frequency ends removed with the _em suffix; baseline-only mask with the _tsmask suffix; non-baseline regions masked with the _msk suffix; baselined data with the _bl suffix.
For individual spatial/spectral cubes: baselined cube with the _cube suffix.
For group cubes: cube with the _cube suffix; baselined cube with the _bl suffix;
For moments maps: integrated intensity map with the _integ suffix; velocity map with the _iwc suffix.