A Function Descriptions

 A.1 SOFA Mappings

By default PAL is set up to use the ERFA variant of SOFA. ERFA is an approved redistribution of the SOFA code using a BSD-license and renamed function calls. Whereas SOFA routines have a iau prefix the ERFA equivalents have a era prefix. The PAL build script will try to detect which of ERFA and SOFA is available. Wherever SOFA is mentioned in this document the ERFA equivalent can be substituted.

ERFA can be obtained from https://github.com/liberfa/erfa

A.1 SOFA Mappings

The following table lists PAL/SLA functions that have direct replacements in SOFA. Whilst these routines are implemented in the PAL library using SOFA new code should probably call SOFA directly.


palCldj iauCal2jd

palDbear iauPas

palDaf2r iauAf2a

palDav2m iauRv2m

palDcc2s iauC2s

palDcs2c iauS2c

palDd2tf iauD2tf

palDimxv iauTrxp

palDm2av iauRm2v

palDjcl iauJd2cal

palDmxm iauRxr

palDmxv iauRxp

palDpav iauPap

palDr2af iauA2af

palDr2tf iauA2tf

palDranrm iauAnp

palDsep iauSeps

palDsepv iauSepp

palDtf2d iauTf2d

palDtf2r iauTf2a

palDvdv iauPdp

palDvn iauPn

palDvxv iauPxp

palEpb iauEpb

palEpb2d iauEpb2d

palEpj iauEpj

palEpj2d iauEpj2jd

palEqeqx iauEe06a

palFk5hz iauFk5hzalso calls iauEpj2jd

palGmst iauGmst06

palGmsta iauGmst06

palHfk5z iauHfk5zalso calls iauEpj2jd

palRefcoq iauRefco