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Determine RA,Dec of tangent point from coordinates


From the tangent plane coordinates of a star of known RA,Dec, determine the RA,Dec of the tangent point.


palDtps2c( double xi, double eta, double ra, double dec, double raz1, double decz1, double raz2, double decz2, int n);


xi = double (Given)
First rectangular coordinate on tangent plane (radians)
eta = double (Given)
Second rectangular coordinate on tangent plane (radians)
ra = double (Given)
RA spherical coordinate of star (radians)
dec = double (Given)
Dec spherical coordinate of star (radians)
raz1 = double (Returned)
RA spherical coordinate of tangent point, solution 1 (radians)
decz1 = double (Returned)
Dec spherical coordinate of tangent point, solution 1 (radians)
raz2 = double (Returned)
RA spherical coordinate of tangent point, solution 2 (radians)
decz2 = double (Returned)
Dec spherical coordinate of tangent point, solution 2 (radians)
n = int (Returned)
number of solutions: 0 = no solutions returned (note 2) 1 = only the first solution is useful (note 3) 2 = both solutions are useful (note 3)
