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Transform from ecliptic coordinates to J2000.0 equatorial coordinates


Transform from ecliptic coordinate to J2000.0 equatorial coordinates.


void palEcleq ( double dl, double db, double date, double dr, double dd );


dl = double (Given)
Ecliptic longitude (mean of date, IAU 1980 theory, radians)
db = double (Given)
Ecliptic latitude (mean of date, IAU 1980 theory, radians)
date = double (Given)
TT as Modified Julian Date (JD-2400000.5). The difference between TT and TDB is of the order of a millisecond or two (i.e. about 0.02 arc-seconds).
dr = double (Returned)
J2000.0 mean RA (radians)
dd = double (Returned)
J2000.0 mean Dec (Radians)