
Approximate topocentric apparent RA,Dec of a planet


Approximate topocentric apparent RA,Dec of a planet, and its angular diameter.


void palRdplan( double date, int np, double elong, double phi, double ra, double dec, double diam );


date = double (Given)
MJD of observation (JD-2400000.5) in TDB. For all practical purposes TT can be used instead of TDB, and for many applications UT will do (except for the Moon).
np = int (Given)
Planet: 1 = Mercury 2 = Venus 3 = Moon 4 = Mars 5 = Jupiter 6 = Saturn 7 = Uranus 8 = Neptune else = Sun
elong = double (Given)
Observer s east longitude (radians)
phi = double (Given)
Observer s geodetic latitude (radians)
ra = double (Returned)
RA (topocentric apparent, radians)
dec = double (Returned)
Dec (topocentric apparent, radians)
diam = double (Returned)
Angular diameter (equatorial, radians)
