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Heliocentric position and velocity of a planet, asteroid or comet, from universal elements


Heliocentric position and velocity of a planet, asteroid or comet, starting from orbital elements in the " universal variables" form.


void palUe2pv( double date, double u[13], double pv[6], int jstat );


date = double (Given)
TT Modified Julian date (JD-2400000.5).
u = double [13] (Given & Returned)
Universal orbital elements (updated, see note 1) given (0) combined mass (M+m) " (1) total energy of the orbit (alpha) " (2) reference (osculating) epoch (t0) " (3-5) position at reference epoch (r0) " (6-8) velocity at reference epoch (v0) " (9) heliocentric distance at reference epoch " (10) r0.v0 returned (11) date (t) " (12) universal eccentric anomaly (psi) of date
pv = double [6] (Returned)
Position (AU) and velocity (AU/s)
jstat = int (Returned)
status: 0 = OK
  • 1 = radius vector zero

  • 2 = failed to converge
