
Starlink Project
Starlink User Note 268.0

D.S. Berry & M.J. Currie

14th November 2013

A Library of Format Conversion Utilities

Version 1.0

Programmer’s Manual


CVG provides utility functions for handling data format conversion tasks.


1 Introduction
A Routine Descriptions
CVG_ASSOC – Opens an existing FITS file specified by an environment parameter
CVG_BT2FT – Creates an AST FitsTable from a FITS binary table
CVG_CLEAN – Removes standard header cards from a FitsCHan
CVG_CLOSE – Closes a FITS file
CVG_CREAT – Create a new FITS file specified by an environment parameter
CVG_FC2HD – Copies all headers from a FitsChan to the current HDU
CVG_FIOER – Reports error messages associated with a call to a FITSIO routine
CVG_FT2BT – Creates a FITS binary table from a AST FitsTable
CVG_HD2FC – Copies all headers from the current HDU into a FitsChan
CVG_HDATE – Converts the NDF history date into a more-pleasing format
CVG_HECHO – Writes history text to the FITS headers
CVG_NEW – Creates a new FITS file and return a unit number for it
CVG_OPEN – Opens an existing FITS file for read or update access
CVG_PCADC – Writes CADC-style provenance records to the current FITS header
CVG_RETRx – Retrieves a value from an array
CVG_SCADC – Writes CADC-style provenance to a FITS file specified by an environment parameter
CVG_SHOWHEADER – Displays all headers from one or all HDUs on standard output
CVG_WHISR – Appends NDF history records to the current FITS header
CVG_WPROV – Writes general provenance records to the current FITS header