E Specification of LCOGT Quality Control index files

 E.1 Specification of the index.astromqc file
 E.2 Specification of the index.dqc file
 E.3 Specification of the index.zeropoint file

The following pages describe the LCOGT Quality Control index files in detail. These files are part of the calibration scheme therefore they are controlled by LCOGT-specific subclasses of ORAC::Calib (found in <ORAC-DR root>/src/lib/perl5/ORAC/Calib/)) namely ORAC::Calib::LCOSBIG (used for the LCOSBIG, LCOSBIG_0M8 (Sedgwick), LCOSINISTRO, LCOFLI, LCOMEROPE and LCOSPECTRAL instruments), ORAC::Calib::LCOSBIG_0M4 (used for LCOSBIG_0M4 (0.4m) instruments) and ORAC::Calib::LCOCC (used for Context Camera instruments). In addition there is the basis of low-resolution spectrographic calibration support through ORAC::Calib::LCOFLOYDS.

The columns to appear in the index file are controlled by a list of column names within a subroutine of the same name (e.g. the format of the index.dqc file is controlled by a ’dqc’ subroutine) and extra columns can be added as desired. Once defined, the ORAC-DR calibration infrastructure handles the location, creation, indexing, updating, retrieval, consistency checking and verification of the index files. In addition to the declared columns, columns for the frame filename and the time are automatically created.

E.1 Specification of the index.astromqc file

This index is used to store the result of the astrometric calibration i.e. the WCS fit. The format of the file is a header of the column names (with a hash character in the first column) on the first line followed by a line entry for each frame consisting of multiple colums with the form of <FILENAME> OFFSETDEC OFFSETRA <ORACTIME> SECPIX XRMS YRMS where:

A section of an example file is shown below:

  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0065-s00_bp_ff 0 0 0 20150125.0169907 0.467 -99 -99
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0066-s00_bp_ff 0 0 0 20150125.0178704 0.467 -99 -99
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0067-s00_bp_ff 1 94.7442281467999 -65.0030048559793 20150125.0189352 0.4699 0.00000 0.00000
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0068-s00_bp_ff 1 93.4636426392003 -64.9209369759612 20150125.0209722 0.4700 0.00000 0.00000
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0069-s00_bp_ff 12 92.9154980000001 -64.8774346599973 20150125.0231713 0.4700 0.11851 0.07415
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0070-s00_bp_ff 12 92.8168515195999 -64.9570614880085 20150125.0243056 0.4700 0.11386 0

The index file is updated by filing new astrometric fit results with the calibration system in the _ADD_AUTO_ASTROMETRY_ primitive.

E.2 Specification of the index.dqc file

This index is used to store the result of the data quality control. The format of the file is a header of the column names (with a hash character in the first column) on the first line followed by a line entry for each frame consisting of multiple colums with the form of <FILENAME> AIRMASS ELLIPTICITY FWHM <ORACTIME> ORIENT QC_OBCON QC_IMGST QC_CATST QC_PHTST where:

A section of an example file is shown below:

  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0061-s00_bp_ff 1.2029843 0.19747 2.746 20150125.0125926 23.140 1 0 UUUUU 4
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0062-s00_bp_ff 1.2049946 0.22837 2.723 20150125.0137037 33.649 1 0 UUUUU 4
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0063-s00_bp_ff 1.2072453 0.21732 2.737 20150125.0150231 25.667 1 0 UUUUU 4
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0064-s00_bp_ff 1.2089885 0.20205 2.628 20150125.0159259 19.913 1 0 UUUUU 4

The index file is updated by filing new seeing statistic results with the calibration system in the _CALCULATE_SEEING_STATS_ primitive and the index entry is updated to set the QC flags by the ._SET_QC_FLAGS_ primitive

E.3 Specification of the index.zeropoint file

This index is used to store the result of the per-frame photometric zeropoint determination. The format of the file is a header of the column names (with a hash character in the first column) on the first line followed by a line entry for each frame consisting of multiple colums with the form of <FILENAME> AIRMASS EXTINCTION FILTER MAG_LIMIT NCALOBJS <ORACTIME> SKY_VALUE SKY_VALUE_ERROR SKY_VALUE_MAG TRANSPARENCY Z EROPOINT ZEROPOINT_ERROR ZEROPOINT_SRC where:

A section of an example file is shown below:

  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0351-e00_bp_ff 1.9601564 -99 gp -99 0 20150125.3628819 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 N/A
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0352-e00_bp_ff 1.90434185 -99 gp -99 0 20150125.3665509 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 N/A
  lsc1m005-kb78-20150124-0364-e00_bp_ff 1.6940621 0.076346831 rp 15.87 7 20150125.3884028 49.1304748347854 10.8466273708444 17.2630570207312 0.316227766016838 24.65 0.168283194819187 _CALCULATE_ZEROPOINT_-r6338

The index file is updated by filing new per-frame zeropoint determination results with the calibration system in the _CALCULATE_ZEROPOINT_ primitive.