5 Data files

 5.1 Filenames and locations
 5.2 File suffixes

5.1 Filenames and locations

Raw LCOGT data conforms to the following format:
<site><tel. class><tel. #>-<inst>-YYYYMMDD-<nnnn>-<type><red. level>.fits

For ease of tracking data flow, the pipeline products will follow the same policy, with the <red. level> altered appropriately to 90 in the case of normally processed data. Catalogs derived from frames will inherit the same rootname with a _cat.fits suffix. Bitmap versions of the frame will use the same rootname, replacing the .fits extension with .png.

5.2 File suffixes

Processing Frame suffixes

Suffix Kept Description      

_raw N The raw frame
_bp N Bad pixels masked
_db N Bias frame removed
_bp_db N Bad pixels masked and bias frame removed
_ff N Flat fielded

Group suffixes

Not used.

FITS Processed Frame suffixes

Suffix Kept Description      

_{a,b,d,e,f,g,w}00 Y The raw frame
_{a,b,d,e,f,g,w}01 N Pre-processed frame
_{a,b,d,e,f,g,w}02 N Flash reduced
_{e,s}10 Y QuickLook processed
_{e,s}90 Y Offline processed