Sets up data-reduction tasks and data for QUICK_LOOK recipes
The readout bounds in the internal headers ORAC_X_LOWER_BOUND, ORAC_Y_LOWER_BOUND, ORAC_X_UPPER_BOUND, ORAC_Y_UPPER_BOUND define the pixel limits for processing, i.e. there are no bias strips and interpolation direction.
Error processing is disabled so the readout noise and analogue-to-digital conversions are not specified.
There is no deferred charge.
Position list processing tasks expect to find the names of lists stored within NDFs.
Logging is to the terminal.
The data type of NDF arrays is preserved.
Does not detect saturated pixels.
Parameters are neither saved from or to a ‘restoration’ file.
The script also performs the following tasks.
Calls the steering primitive to set steering headers.
This primitive is suitable for imaging instruments.