Subtracts a bias frame
For most instruments there is no bias to subtract so it is something of a placeholder primitive. Its main purpose is to set up CCDPACK for subsequent processing. For instance, CCDPACK will complain if debiassing is not performed before say flat-fielding. The primitive reports a successful bias subtraction and the frames concerned.
This primitive is suitable for UFTI, IRCAM, INGRID, and Michelle in imaging mode.
Processing occurs for all frames, and sub-frames therein.
Where a bias frame is used, it is the most-recent and matching given by $Cal->bias method.
The observing mode (read type) comes from user header ORAC_DETECTOR_READ_TYPE.
The bias-subtracted image can be displayed.
The frame title is propagated.
Bias-subtracted frame inheriting the frame’s name but with the _db suffix.