1 Introduction

 1.1 Good practice
 1.2 Getting started if you’re not a Starlink Programmer

Starlink documents – specifically Starlink User Notes (SUNs), Starlink Guides (SGs), Starlink General Papers (SGPs) and Starlink System Notes (SSNs) – should be written using the starlink.cls latex class. This is designed to allow output into either PDF format (using pdflatex) or html format (using htlatex/TeX4HT).

It should be pretty straightforward to write documents using this, as most standard latex macros should work as usual. This class should provide a fairly consistent look amongst all the documents, and both output types.

By standardising on a single class, writers of starlink documents should be able to concentrate on the content, without having to spend much time tweaking the output. In addition, the more standardised the documents are, the easier it will be to change either the appearance (by tweaking only the class file), or to port documents to a different system if that is ever required.

1.1 Good practice

Check both html output and pdf as you go
Please don’t only check that your latex source builds correctly in pdf format. The html output is likely to be more widely used, and is a little more finicky about what it will work against than the pdf output is. You should, therefore, ensure your document both builds correctly as html, and also ensure that the formatting has succeeded in html. Consider the html output as the most important version of the document.
Have an up-to-date version of the document
Before starting, make sure you’ve checked out the current version of the document. If you don’t know how to use git, there are many tutorials online. If they don’t suffice, you could ask any local git users, or local starlink developers, or do feel free to ask for advice on the starlink developers list about anything specific to starlink.

Do make sure you’re not editing a version of a .tex file you find from a release or rsynced build of starlink, as there could be later changes that have been made by other editors on the master GitHub Starlink repo.

Commit regularly
Please don’t spend months carefully crafting a perfect document, without regularly pushing any commits to GitHub or checking for updates. Other starlink contributors aren’t psychic, and they may make their own substantial changes to the document in the mean time. This will leave you with a dificult merge to fix before you can push your own change.
Use LaTeX commands
While many users use plain TeX commands when writing LATEX, these tend to be a little less well supported by TeX4HT, so can cause problems in the html output. Specific examples are:

If you are writing your document within a built Starlink tree, you can use the usual ’make’ command within the correct directory to build the document. Usually these will print to screen the actual commands that run, so you can run those manually if you want to.

If the above sentence makes no sense what-so-ever, and you’ve never tried to build Starlink at all, never fear! The following ’Getting started’ guide should help.

1.2 Getting started if you’re not a Starlink Programmer

Some documents (especially instrument-specific cookbooks and documents providing advice for general astronomer users) could do with help from non-Starlink programmers. For example, JCMT support scientists are often asked to help write cookbooks for JCMT instruments (see SC/21 and SC/20). Many SUNs consist of both a reference section and a users guide, and contributions from any users who have suggested updates or improvements to the users sections would be very welcome.

The following workflow is suggested:

clone the software repository from GitHub
(You’ll only do this once, and afterwards go straight to the next step)
Ensure the current check out is up-to-date with the GitHub repo
git pull –rebase
Edit a file
Check it builds
If you ensure you have a (recent) starlink build available on your machine, then you can run the following commands to produce PDF and HTML output by setting the STARLINK_DIR environment variable to point to your (e.g.) star/ or stardev/ directory.

(Replace sunXXX.tex with the name of your LATEXfile).

  TEXINPUTS=$STARLINK_DIR/share/latexsupport//: pdflatex sunXXX.tex
  TEXINPUTS=$STARLINK_DIR/share/latexsupport//: \
  TEX4HTENV=$STARLINK_DIR/share/latexsupport/tex4ht.env \
  TEX4HTHTF=:$STARLINK_DIR/share/latexsupport: htlatex sunXXX.tex \
  "starlinkxhtml.cfg,charset="utf-8",fn-in" ’ -cvalidate -cstarfont’ ""

You will have to have reasonably recent TeX distribution on your machine, with the majority of standard packages installed.

Commit the change into your git repo
Make sure you only commit the changes to the latex file, not all the html and pdf output you have produced when checking the file.
Getting your change into the main Starlink GitHub repo
If you don’t have permission to push to the Starlink GitHub repo, you can either open a pull request from your own fork of Starlink, ask a local-to-you starlink programmer for assistance, or contact the starlink developers list for help.
If you run into problems
Just ask someone for help. You don’t have to be a git expert to help write starlink documents.