7 Images

Automatically converted by htlatex script.

Other formats are possible if needed.

Size as a percentage of body width should be same as in latex (as a percentage of linewidth).

Cannot rotate (i.e. can’t use angle= modifier to includegraphics command)

Generally with floats: don’t spend hours carefully tweaking exactly where it comes out on the latex output. Someone else will come along and add a couple of new paragraphs near the start, and all your work will be undone. In html output, the float will occur whereever you placed it in the text, so ensure that that makes sense. You can use the usual position modifiers, but note that try not to limit latex too much in where it can put the float.

If pdflatex really keeps putting the float much later than you want, then use \clearpage which will flush out all the floats. This can give you a page with an annoying amount of blank space, but for technical documentation that is much better than producing a hard to maintain document.