
Starlink Project
Starlink User Note 31.5

R.F. Warren-Smith &
A.J. Chipperfield

27 April 1998

Routines for Handling References to HDS Objects

Version 1.1

Programmer’s Manual


It is sometimes useful to use the Hierarchical Data System HDS (SUN/92) to store references or pointers to other HDS objects. For instance, this allows the same data object to be used in several places without the need to have more than one copy. The REF library is provided to facilitate this data object referencing process and the subsequent accessing of objects which have been referenced in this way.


1 Introduction
2 Facilities
3 Using the package
4 Implementation
5 Error handling
6 Compiling and linking
A Routine Descriptions
REF_ANNUL – Annul a locator to a referenced object
REF_CRPUT – Create and write a reference object
REF_FIND – Get locator to data object (via reference if necessary)
REF_GET – Get locator to referenced data object
REF_NEW – Create a new reference object
REF_PUT – Write a reference into a reference object

B ADAM/Stand-alone Differences
C Machine-dependent Features
D Software Dependencies