Enquire the pixel-index bounds of an NDF NDF_BOUND
If the NDF has fewer than NDIMX dimensions, then any remaining elements of the LBND and UBND
arguments will be filled with 1’
If the NDF has more than NDIMX dimensions, then the NDIM argument will return the actual number of dimensions. In this case only the first NDIMX sets of bounds will be returned, and an error will result if the size of any of the remaining dimensions exceeds 1.
If this routine is called with STATUS set, then a value of 1 will be returned for all elements of the LBND and UBND arrays and for the NDIM argument, although no further processing will occur. The same values will also be returned if the routine should fail for any reason.
The symbolic constant NDF__MXDIM may be used to declare the size of the LBND and UBND arguments so that they will be able to hold the maximum number of NDF bounds that this routine can return. This constant is defined in the include file NDF_PAR.