Map the quality component of an NDF as an array of logical values
of the corresponding
quality value and its effective bad-bits mask gives a zero result, indicating that the corresponding
NDF pixel may be used in subsequent processing. Other array elements are set to .FALSE., indicating
that corresponding NDF pixels should be excluded from subsequent processing. If the quality component’
s values are undefined, then this routine will return a pointer to an array of
.TRUE. values.
Note that this routine only obtains read access to the quality component; changes made to the mapped
values will not be reflected in changes to the NDF’
s quality values.
This routine disables automatic quality masking, so that subsequent access to other NDF array components via the same identifier will take no account of the possible presence of associated quality values.
If this routine is called with STATUS set, then a value of 1 will be returned for the EL argument, although no further processing will occur. The same value will also be returned if the routine should fail for any reason.