Merge the bad-pixel flags of the array components of a pair of NDFs
of the separate values for each NDF. In addition, if bad pixels are
found to be present in either NDF but the application indicates that it cannot correctly handle such
values, then an error to this effect is reported and a STATUS value is set. ’
, ’
or ’
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of the values obtained for
each NDF). A comma-separated list of component names may also be supplied, in which case the routine will take
the logical "
of all the specified components when calculating the combined bad-pixel flag
The effective value of the bad-pixel flag for each NDF array component which this routine uses is the same as would be returned by a call to the routine NDF_BAD.
If this routine detects the presence of bad pixels which the application cannot support (as indicated by a .FALSE. value for the BADOK argument), then an error will be reported to this effect and a STATUS value of NDF__BADNS (bad pixels not supported) will be returned. The value of the BAD argument will be set to .TRUE. under these circumstances. The NDF__BADNS constant is defined in the include file NDF_ERR.