
Starlink Project
Starlink User Note 45.16

Nicholas Eaton, Peter W. Draper & Alasdair Allan

27th November 2009

PHOTOM — A Photometry Package

Version 1.12-0

User’s Manual



PHOTOM is a package for measuring the sky corrected magnitudes and fluxes of astronomical objects, within circular and elliptical apertures, using either the aperture or optimal extraction algorithms.


1 Introduction
2 New to aperture photometry?
3 New to optimal photometry?
4 Running the photom software
 4.1 Getting help
5 Performing interactive analyses
 5.1 The PHOTOM menu options
  5.1.1 A — annulus
  5.1.2 C — centroid
  5.1.3 E — exit
  5.1.4 F — file of positions
  5.1.5 H — help
  5.1.6 I — interactive shape
  5.1.7 M — measure
  5.1.8 N — non-interactive shape
  5.1.9 O — options
  5.1.10 P — photon statistics
  5.1.11 S — sky
  5.1.12 V — values
  5.1.13 X – eXtraction
 5.2 Defaulted parameters
  5.2.1 resfile
  5.2.2 maxshift, maxiter, search and toler
  5.2.3 exsource and etime
  5.2.4 usemask
6 Automated photometry
7 Altering program parameters
8 Using different image formats
9 Acknowledgements
10 Acknowledging this software
A Full routine descriptions
AUTOPHOTOM– Do aperture photometry on a list of objects
PHOTGREY– Displays a grey scale image
PHOTOM– Perform aperture photometry

B Techniques of aperture photometry
C Explaining optimal photometry
D Calculation of the errors
E PHOTOPT - examining PHOTOM’s performance
PHOTOPT– Perform sampling experiments with different sky estimators