Starlink Project
Starlink User Note 5.18
P. T. Wallace, Norman Gray
2nd May 2003
Basic astrometry program
User’s Guide
ASTROM performs “plate reductions”. You supply star positions from a catalogue and the [x,y] ccoordinates of the corresponding star images. ASTROM uses this information to establish the relationship between [x,y] and [α,δ] enabling the coordinates of “unknown stars” to be determined.
[1] E. W. Greisen and M. R. Calabretta. Representations of world coordinates in FITS. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 395(3):1061–1076, December 2002. ‘Paper I’, also available at [3].
[2] M. R. Calabretta and E. W. Greisen. Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 395(3):1077–1122, December 2002. ‘Paper II’, also available at [3].
[3] M. R. Calabretta et al. FITS WCS pages. Web page [cited May 2003].