TSP can be used to reduce imaging polarimetry data obtained with IRIS at the AAT. The command IRISPOL is used to generate a polarization image from a set of four observations at the four waveplate positions. IRISAP can be used to derive aperture polarimetry of a star from such a set of four images. See the AAO IRIS manual for more details.
IMPOL can be used to generate a polarization image from a single beam polarimeter such as IRPOL/IRCAM at UKIRT.
TSP polarization images can be plotted with the AAOPLOT program (not part of TSP but a separate ADAM package). ROTPA can be used to calibrate the position angle of an image and images can be combined with COMBINE.
These commands may also be found useful for other imaging polarimeters working at optical as well as IR wavelengths. Use IRISPOL for dual beam instruments which give simultaneous images in E and O states, and use IMPOL for single beam instruments.