E Flux standards

 E.1 Spectrophotometric flux standards converted from SPICA format
 E.2 HST and new Oke spectrophotometric standard star flux tables

E.1 Spectrophotometric flux standards converted from SPICA format

Figaro includes a large number of standard files supplied by Roderick Johnstone, IoA Cambridge. This section reproduces the document he supplied with those files and which dates from December 1987. The files are kept in the standard Figaro directory FIGARO_PROG_S (see Section 3.4), which on a normal Starlink system corresponds to directory:


The files were prepared on a VAX/VMS system, where file names were in upper-case only. Consequently they are listed in upper-case in the note, but following the normal convention the corresponding Unix file names are lower-case. SPICA was a spectroscopic data reduction system, now long-defunct, which was in some ways a precursor of Figaro.

The files listed contain stellar fluxes in milli-Jansky. AB magnitude files have the same name, but with an A before the ‘.’ as in standard Figaro style. I have tried to conform to the systematic naming used by Figaro so files are called after the star with positive and negative signs replaced by P and M respectively. Note that some files have been included more than once under aliases of the star name.

Numerical values of wavelength, flux, bandwidth and order changeover wavelengths have been checked and are believed to be correct. Some errors in the SPICA tables were found. Where existing Figaro files are correct these have not been duplicated.

Note that there are several different magnitude systems which determine the fluxes presented in these tables. These are defined through different calibrations of the primary standard Vega and use different ways of transferring the magnitude system from Vega to the fainter secondary standards. In general the stars listed here are not actual standards but are just good calibrations of non-variable stars. The user is strongly advised to read the paper from which the numbers come (listed at the top of each file) to gain an idea of both the random and the systematic errors in the fluxes as well as the magnitude system from which the fluxes derived.

I am most grateful to Doreen Oliver at RGO who I believe typed in most of the original SPICA files and to Carolin Crawford who gave invaluable help checking the numbers.

  Star            File            Coverage        Comments
  ====            ====            ========        ========
  40 Eri B        40ERIB.TAB      3320-9880
  AM CVn          HZ29.TAB        3340-8720
  BD+25 3941      BDP253941.TAB   3200-8370
  BD+28 4211      BDP284211.TAB   3200-8370
  BD+33 2642      BDP332642.TAB   3200-8370
  BD+40 4032      BDP404032.TAB   3200-8370
  BD+82 2015      BDP82015.TAB    3200-8370
  EG  5           VMA2.TAB        3260-10640      Used 2nd order values at overlap
  EG 11           L870M2.TAB      3210-7220
  EG 28           LB1240.TAB      3210-7220
  EG 29           LB227.TAB       3210-7220
  EG 31           HZ2.TAB         3210-7220
  EG 33           40ERIB.TAB      3320-9880
  EG 39           HZ7.TAB         3210-7220
  EG 42           HZ14.TAB        3230-7420
  EG 50           HE3.TAB         3340-9440
  EG 54           L745M46AA.TAB   3320-10520      Cosmetic change to lambda_double
  EG 63           LDS235B.TAB     3320-8920       Cosmetic change to lambda_double
  EG 67           SA29M130.TAB    3210-10200
  EG 76           AL970M30.TAB    3180-7040       40A bins in 2nd order
  EG 76           BL970M30.TAB    3320-9880       80A bins in 2nd order
  EG 77           TON573.TAB      3340-8160
  EG 79           R627.TAB        3160-10840
  EG 86           HZ21.TAB        3340-9660
  EG 91           HZ29.TAB        3340-8720
  EG 98           HZ43.TAB        3320-10520
  EG 99           W485A.TAB       3320-9880
  EG 102          GRWP705824.TAB  3210-10200
  EG 119          ROSS640.TAB     3320-10520
  EG 129          GRWP708247.TAB  3340-9200
  EG 133          L1573M31.TAB    3336-10073
  EG 139          W1346.TAB       3210-10640
  EG 144          GRWP738031.TAB  3340-9440
  EG 148          L1363M3.TAB     3316-10520
  EG 149          L930M80.TAB     3320-9240       Cosmetic change to lambda_double and
                                                  correct value at 4510
  EG 162          L1512M34B.TAB   3210-10040
  EG 182          G47M18.TAB      3340-9280
  EG 184          GD140.TAB       3160-10560
  EG 192          AGD185.TAB      3200-7240       80A bins 2nd order
  EG 192          BGD185.TAB      5820-9780       360A bins
  EG 247          G191B2B.TAB     3320-10520
  Feige 110       F110.TAB        3200-8370       _S: file seems to have wrong
                                                  bandwidth and lambda_double
  Feige 15        F15.TAB         3200-8370
  Feige 25        F25.TAB         3200-8370
  Feige 34        F34.TAB         3200-8370
  Feige 56        F56.TAB         3200-8370
  Feige 92        F92.TAB         3200-8370
  Feige 98        F98.TAB         3200-8370
  G191B2B         G191B2B.TAB     3320-10520
  G47-18          G47M18.TAB      3340-9280
  GD 140          GD140.TAB       3160-10560
  GD 185          AGD185.TAB      3200-7240       80A bins 2nd order
  GD 185          BGD185.TAB      5820-9780       360A bins
  GD-248          GDM248.TAB      3300-10000      Not from SPICA
  Grw+70 5824     GRWP705824.TAB  3210-10200
  Grw+70 8247     GRWP708247.TAB  3340-9200
  Grw+73 8031     GRWP738031.TAB  3340-9440
  He 3            HE3.TAB         3340-9440
  HZ 14           HZ14.TAB        3230-7420
  HZ 15           HZ15.TAB        3200-8370
  HZ 2            HZ2.TAB         3210-7220
  HZ 21           HZ21.TAB        3340-9660
  HZ 29           HZ29.TAB        3340-8720
  HZ 43           HZ43.TAB        3320-10520
  HZ 44           HZ44.TAB        3316-10520      Ambiguity in bandwidth at changeover
                                                  to first order
  HZ 7            HZ7.TAB         3210-7220
  Kopff 27        KOP27.TAB       3200-8370
  L1363-3         L1363M3.TAB     3316-10520
  L1403-49        TON573.TAB      3340-8160
  L1512-34B       L1512M34B.TAB   3210-10040
  L1573-31        L1573M31.TAB    3336-10073
  L745-46A        L745M46AA.TAB   3320-10520      Cosmetic change to lambda_double
  L870-2          L870M2.TAB      3210-7220
  L930-80         L930M80.TAB     3320-9240       Cosmetic change to lambda_double and
                                                  correct value at 4510
  L970-30         AL970M30.TAB    3180-7040       40A bins in 2nd order
  L970-30         BL970M30.TAB    3320-9880       80A bins in 2nd order
  LB1240          LB1240.TAB      3210-7220
  LB227           LB227.TAB       3210-7220
  LDS235B         LDS235B.TAB     3320-8920       Cosmetic change to lambda_double
  R627            R627.TAB        3160-10840
  Ross 640        ROSS640.TAB     3320-10520
  SA29-130        SA29M130.TAB    3210-10200
  Ton573          TON573.TAB      3340-8160
  VMa 2           VMA2.TAB        3260-10640      Used 2nd order values at overlap
  W1346           W1346.TAB       3210-10640
  W485A           W485A.TAB       3320-9880

E.2 HST and new Oke spectrophotometric standard star flux tables

In 1991 Jeremy Walsh provided two new sets of spectrophotometric flux tables for use with Figaro. One comprised a set of stars observed by Oke, the other a set of HST standard stars. Copies of these data can be retrieved by anonymous ftp. The details are as follows.

ftp site: ftp.roe.ac.uk
directory: /pub/acd/fluxstandards
files: 0README.LIS

The data files are compressed tar archives. Remember to use ftp in binary mode when retrieving them. Once you have retrieved copies of the files they can be decompressed using Unix command uncompress, for example:

  % uncompress oke.tar.Z

Then extract the individual files from the tar archive:

  % tar xvf oke.tar

Brief details of the two datasets follow. For details of the processing of these files please refer to Jeremy Walsh at the ST-ECF.

E.2.1 Oke standards

These standards comprise 25 stars observed by Oke6 in the wavelength range 3200 to 9200 Å. Table 2 gives summary details for these stars.

Star Name R.A. Dec. Sp. V AB HST
No. (2000) (2000) Type (5460 Å)

1 G158-100 00 33 54.3 -12 07 57 sdG 14.89 14.82
2 HZ 4 03 55 21.7 +09 47 19 DA4 14.52 10.47
3 G191B2B 05 05 30.6 +52 49 54 DAO 11.78 11.72
4 G193-74 07 53 27.4 +52 29 36 DC 15.70 15.58
5 BD+75 325 08 10 49.3 +74 57 57 O5p 9.54 9.52
6 Feige 34 10 39 36.7 +43 06 10 DO 11.18 11.13
7 HD 93521 10 48 23.5 +37 34 13 O9Vp 7.04 6.96
8 HZ 21 12 13 56.4 +32 56 31 DO2 14.68 14.67
9 Feige 66 12 37 23.6 +25 04 00 sdO 10.50 10.43
10 Feige 67 12 41 51.8 +17 31 20 sdO 11.81 11.78
11 G60-54 13 00 09.5 +03 28 56 DC 15.81 15.73
12 HZ 44 13 23 35.4 +36 08 00 sdO 11.66 11.65
13 GRW+70 5824 13 38 51.8 +70 17 08 DA3 12.77 12.72
14 BD+33 2642 15 51 59.9 +32 56 55 B2IV 10.81 10.74
15 G138-31 16 27 53.6 +09 12 24 DA7 16.14 16.07
16 G24-9 20 13 56.0 +06 42 55 DC 15.72 15.77
17 BD+28 4211 21 51 11.1 +28 51 52 Op 10.51 10.47
18 BD+25 4655 21 59 39.3 +26 25 42 9.65
19 LTT 9491 23 19 35.0 -71 05 30 DC 14.04 14.06
20 Feige 110 23 19 58.4 -05 09 56 DOp 11.82 11.81
21 GD 248 23 26 06.7 +16 00 21 DC 15.09 15.08
22 GD 50 03 48 50.1 -00 58 30 DA2 14.06 14.06
23 SA95-42 03 53 43.7 -00 04 33 15.61 15.60
24 GD 108 10 00 47.3 -07 33 31 sdB? 13.56 13.57
25 NGC 7293 22 29 38.5 -20 50 13 13.51 13.48

Table 2: Summary details for the Oke standard stars, from Table 1 of Oke (1990). A bullet (‘’) in the final column indicates that the star is also included in the companion set of HST spectrophotometric standards.

E.2.2 HST standards

These standards comprise 27 stars selected to be standards for the HST. The basic reference is Turnshek et al,7 but see also Bohlin8 The observations cover the approximate wavelength range 800 to 12,000 Å. Table 3 gives summary details for these stars.

Star R.A. Dec. V Sp. Oke
Name (2000) (2000) Type

AG+81 266 09 21 19.1801 +81 43 27.642 12.10 B2
Alpha Lyr 18 36 56.3364 +38 47 01.291 0.03 A0V
BD+28 4211 21 51 11.0222 +28 51 50.364 10.54 Op
BD+33 2642 15 51 59.8855 +32 56 54.324 10.81 B2IVp
BD+75 325 08 10 49.4903 +74 57 57.929 9.50 O5pvar
BPM 16274 00 50.1 -52 09 14.16 DA...
Eta UMA 13 47 32.4377 +49 18 47.754 1.852 B3V
Feige 110 23 19 58.3977 -05 09 56.207 11.4 DA:
Feige 34 10 39 36.7400 +43 06 09.252 11.0 DA:
G 191-B2B 05 05 30.6119 +52 49 51.945 11.79 DAw...
G 93-48 21 52 25.3835 +02 23 19.556 12.73 DA
Gamma UMa 11 53 49.8475 +53 41 41.136 2.427 A0V
GD 108 10 00 47 -07 33.5 13.56 B
GD 50 03 48 50.10 -00 58 28.5 13.98 DAw...
GRW+70 5824 13 38 50.4743 +70 17 07.619 12.80 DA:
HD 49798 06 48 04.6995 -44 18 58.431 8.27 sdO6p
HD 60753 07 33 27.3188 -50 35 03.319 6.682 B2III
HD 93521 10 48 23.5112 +37 34 13.090 7.06 O9Vp
HZ 21 12 13 56.27 +32 56 31.4 14.22 DA:
HZ 2 04 12 43.49 +11 51 50.6 13.86 DA:
HZ 44 13 23 35.258 +36 07 59.51 11.3 B2
HZ 4 03 55 21.77 +09 47 18.4 14.47 DA:
LB 227 04 09 28.50 +17 07 55.2 15.35 DA
LDS 749B 21 32 16.1 +00 15 15 14.58 DB
Mu Col 05 45 59.8950 -32 18 23.166 5.148 O9.5V
NGC 7293 22 29 48.4 -20 49 26 13.54
Zeta Cas 00 36 58.2846 +53 53 48.874 3.666 B2IV

Table 3: Summary details for the HST standard stars. The data were assembled from SIMBAD. A bullet (‘’) in the final column indicates that the star is also included in the companion set of Oke spectrophotometric standards.

6J.B. Oke, 1990, Astron. J, 99, pp1621-1631.

7D.A. Turnshek, R.C. Bohlin, R.L. Williamson II, O.L. Lupie, J. Koornneef and D.H. Morgan, 1990, Astron. J, 99, pp1243-1261, 1344-1377.

8R.C. Bohlin, September 1992, STScI Newsletter, 9, No. 2.