
Lock an object for exclusive use by the current thread


This function locks an HDS object for use by the current thread. An object can be locked for read-only access or read-write access. Multiple threads can lock an object simultaneously for read-only access, but only one thread can lock an object for read-write access at any one time. Use of any HDS function that may modify the object will fail with an error unless the thread has locked the object for read-write access. Use of an HDS function that cannot modify the object will fail with an error unless the thread has locked the object (in this case the lock can be either for read-only or read-write access).

If " readonly" is zero (indicating the current thread wants to modify the object), this function will report an error if any other thread currently has a lock (read-only or read-write) on the object.

If " readonly" is non-zero (indicating the current thread wants read-only access to the object), this function will report an error only if another thread currently has a read-write lock on the object.

If the object is a structure, each component object will have its own lock, which is independent of the lock on the parent object. A component object and its parent can be locked by different threads. However, as a convenience function this function allows all component objects to be locked in addition to the supplied object (see " recurs" ).

The current thread must unlock the object using datUnlock before it can be locked for use by another thread. All objects are initially locked by the current thread when they are created. The type of access available to the object (" Read" , " Write" or " Update" ) determines the type of the initial lock. For pre-existing objects, this is determined by the access mode specified when calling hdsOpen. For new and temporary objects, the initial lock is always a read-write lock.


datLock( HDSLoc locator, int recurs, int readonly, int status );


locator = HDSLoc (Given)
Locator to the object that is to be locked.
recurs = int (Given)
If the supplied object is locked successfully, and " recurs" is non-zero, then an attempt is made to lock any component objects contained within the supplied object. An error is reported if any components cannot be locked due to them being locked already by a different thread. This operation is recursive - any children of the child components are also locked, etc.
readonly = int (Given)
If non-zero, the object (and child objects if " recurs" is non-zero) is locked for read-only access. Otherwise it is locked for read-write access.
status = int (Given and Returned)
Pointer to global status.
