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HelpContents > HelpForAdministrators > HelpOnAdministration

The following pages contain information on various subtopics important to Moin``Moin admins. If you are about to install a new version please go to HelpOnInstalling. If you want to configure your wiki go to HelpOnConfiguration.

== General ==

 * HelpOnAccessControlLists - how to manage access to pages with ACLs
 * HelpOnAutoAdmin - when you want to give some users or user groups admin rights on some pages
 * HelpOnLanguages - how Moin``Moin uses different languages
 * HelpOnPageDeletion - how to delete pages
 * HelpOnSpam - what to do with spam
 * HelpOnUserHandling - how to manage user accounts
 * HelpOnSuperUser - users with special rights
 * HelpOnAuthentication - how to configure alternate authentication options

== Updating ==

 * HelpOnUpdating - how to update an existing MoinMoin installation
 * HelpOnUpdatingPython - how to move to a more recent version of Python

== Advanced Topics ==

 * HelpOnSynchronisation
 * HelpOnMoinCommand and HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump

HelpForDevelopers HelpForUsers