= Starlink Software Collection - Download and Install = The hokulei release of the Starlink Software Collection is currently available for two operating systems: * [[http://ftp.eao.hawaii.edu/starlink/hokulei/Linux-32bit.tar.gz|32-bit Linux]] (339MB .tar.gz) * [[http://ftp.eao.hawaii.edu/starlink/hokulei/Linux-64bit.tar.gz|64-bit Linux]] (431MB .tar.gz) * [[http://ftp.eao.hawaii.edu/starlink/hokulei/OSX-PPC.tar.gz|PPC OS X Tiger]] (284MB .tar.gz) * [[http://ftp.eao.hawaii.edu/starlink/hokulei/OSX-Intel.tar.gz|Intel OS X Tiger]] (271MB .tar.gz) Neil Clifford at Oxford has kindly put up a UK mirror, located at ftp://ftp-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/pub/starlink/. Parties interested in a Solaris release can email <>. Peter Draper has a build made on Solaris 8 available [[ftp://ftp.starlink.ac.uk/pub/users-ftp/pwd/hokulei/|here (UK)]] or [[http://ftp.eao.hawaii.edu/starlink/hokulei/Solaris8.tar.gz|here (JAC, 153MB .tar.gz)]]. This includes all Starlink software and most JAC software (SMURF, SURF, SPECX, and FLUXES are included, ORAC-DR is not). == Installation instructions == === Linux === The tar file will unzip into a `star/` directory in the same directory you downloaded the tar file to. To install this, either copy it into a `/star` directory or create a `/star` softlink to this directory. On some systems you may need the `libg2c.so` library. On Fedora Core (and presumably all Red Hat-derivative systems) this can be found in the `compat-gcc-32` RPM. On Ubuntu (and presumably all Debian-derivative systems) this can be found in the `libg2c0` package. You may also need the `libgsl.so` library from the [[http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/|GNU Scientific Library]]. Versions as early as 1.5-2 are known to work. The 64-bit release requires glibc 2.5 and fairly recent versions of the X11 libraries (7.1 or higher). An up-to-date Gentoo, Fedora Core 6, or SUSE 10.1 are distributions that are known to work. '''Note''': The 64-bit keoe release installed into a `star64/` directory. This has changed to standardise on a `star/` installation location. === OS X tarball === The PPC tar file will unzip into a `local-star/` directory in the same directory you downloaded the tar file to. To install this, either copy it into a `/local-star` directory or create a `/local-star` softlink to this directory. The Intel tar file will unzip into a `star/` directory in the same directory you downloaded the tar file to. To install this, either copy it into a `/star` directory or create a `/star` softlink to this directory. This release was built on OS X 10.4 (Tiger), and may not work on 10.3 (Panther). If you have not installed the OS X SDK, you will need to install it to obtain the `ncurses` library. It is located on the Tiger installation DVD, or Disc 1 of your hardware's installation CDs (open the "Xcode Tools" folder, then double-click the "XcodeTools.mpkg" package). This will also install X11, which is needed for the various graphical Starlink programs like GAIA or KAPPA/DISPLAY. The PPC build may give errors about libgcc_s.dylib. If you find this is the case, create a softlink in the /usr/local/lib directory by first creating that directory, then changing to it, then typing `ln -s /local-star/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-apple-darwin6.8/4.0.3/libgcc_s.1.0.dylib`. == Post-installation Run-up == To set up your environment for use with the Starlink Software Collection, you must "source" some initialization files. On `csh` and related shells (like `tcsh`), source `/star/etc/login` and `/star/etc/cshrc`. On `sh` and related shells (like `bash`), source `/star/etc/profile`. == ORAC-DR for WFCAM == Because of the large size of WFCAM calibration files, they have been split off from the main download tarballs, as not everybody will be reducing WFCAM data using ORAC-DR. These calibrations can be [[http://starlink.eao.hawaii.edu/extras/oracdr_cal_wfcam.tar.gz|downloaded here]] (372MB .tar.gz). The tar file will unzip into a `wfcam/` directory in the same directory you downloaded the tar file to. To install these calibration files, copy the directory into the `/star/bin/oracdr/cal/` directory (or `/local-star/bin/oracdr/cal/` for OS X PPC) thus creating the `/star/bin/oracdr/cal/wfcam/` directory containing the calibration files. This file has not changed for the hokulei release, so if you previously downloaded it for the keoe release, you do not need to download it again.