Starlink Installation with Flatpak

Flatpak is a package manager for Linux which comes with many modern distributions. It runs applications in an isolated environment, separate from the rest of your system. Currently our flatpak repository has just a "dev" branch, containing the latest development version of Starlink (not a particular release).


You can install on Linux as follows (assuming you already have flatpak itself installed):

flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak remote-add --user --no-gpg-verify starlink

flatpak install --user starlink edu.hawaii.eao.starlink.Starlink
flatpak install --user starlink edu.hawaii.eao.starlink.Starlink.StarJava


And then run with:

flatpak run edu.hawaii.eao.starlink.Starlink



or use the icon which should have been added to your menu.

This should open a shell inside the isolated environment, with Starlink installed at /app and already set up. (Note however that from this terminal your other system programs will not be available.)


Starlink can be removed as follows:

flatpak uninstall edu.hawaii.eao.starlink.Starlink
flatpak remote-delete starlink

And if the flathub remote is not being used for anything else, it can be removed:

flatpak remote-delete flathub

Further Information