Year 1992
Jan 1 |
New AP for DBSIG (LEI) - Clive Davenhall |
New AP for IUESIG (UCL) - Dave Mills |
Feb 1 |
New AP for IPESIG (2nd) (CAR) - Grant Privett |
New member of ADAM porting team (RAL) - Ian Jenkins (from Informatics) |
4 |
Jo Murray resumed work for Starlink at RAL after a visit to Australia. |
6 |
Starlink review panel meets at Cambridge. |
First KAPPA application working under Unix. |
12-13 |
SMM/37 |
16 |
The portable ADAM kernel was released for Unix systems for the first time. |
This provides the ADAM parameter system, in addition to the subroutine |
libraries released previously. It means you can now run your own ADAM |
programs from the shell on a Sun or DECstation. |
19 |
SUC/24. The meeting recommended the go ahead for a DEC leasing deal. |
If this is implemented, Starlink will have: |
* more than 150 CPUs in all |
* more than 50 Unix machines (SUN and DEC) |
* more than 100 workstations (VMS and Unix) |
* more than 1000 SPECmarks of CPU power. |
This would give about 1 SPECmark of CPU power per user. In the early |
80s with VAX 780s and 750s we had about 1/100 SPECmark per user. |
Mar 1 |
Paul Collison became Site manager of Oxford node. |
31 |
Ken Hartley left Starlink (ADAM porting group). |
Apr 6 |
Richard Nicholson replaced Michael Garrett as JOD Site Manager. |
14 |
Starlink review panel met at Southampton. |
Jun 10/11 |
SMM/38 (CAM) |
Base line funding |
92/93 |
93/94 |
94/95 |
1992FL provision |
2089 |
2360 |
2355 (kPounds) |
(recurrent/staff) |
Full restoration |
2089 |
2565 |
2675 (kPounds) |
Cost of RAL manpower/MY |
39.5 |
41.7 |
43.7 |
15 |
SUC/25 (Durham) |
16 |
Starlink Bulletin 9 (Apr) distributed. |
30 |
Last ARGS image display (at Armagh) came off maintenance. This was |
Starlink's first image-display device. It was replaced by Ikons, and |
these in turn are being replaced by workstations. |
Jul 6/17 |
Loan of Silicon Graphics workstation to test ADAM port. |
Aug 17 |
Andrew Broderick joined the Project as an industrial placement student |
31 |
Jo Murray left Project. |
Sep 11 |
Rolf Habing replaced Brian Heaton as KEN site manager. |
18 |
Sunhil Sidher replaced Graeme Willoughby as (acting) IMP site manager. |
25 |
KAPPA release on DECstations and SUNs. |
Oct 1 |
Martin Murphy replaced Paul Brown as ARM site manager. Paul remains BEL site manager. |
5 |
SUC/26 (Armagh), last one. |
29-20 |
SMM/39 (AGM/5) at Cosener's House. Record attendance (50); photo taken. |
Nov 1 |
Alan Penny became acting Project Scientist. |
Year 1993
Jan 31 |
Gordon Bromage (Project Scientist) left the Project to take up the post |
of Professor of Astronomy at the University of Central Lancashire. |
Feb 1 |
National Audit Office began a 6-week in-depth study of Starlink |
8 |
First Alpha-based machine acquired by Starlink. Dave Terrett is using it to |
port Starlink software. |
9 |
John Sherman announced that we have more Unix than VMS workstations. |
Summary of current Starlink CPUs: |
Multi-user |
Workstation |
Total |
51 |
57 |
108 |
Unix |
2 (SUN) |
80 (46 SUN, 32 DEC, 2 HP) |
82 |
Total |
53 |
137 |
190 |
15 |
Anne Charles joined Project as part-time assistant to Mike Lawden. |
She will be doing VMS software releases. |
18 |
SMM/40 (RAL). |
Mar 1 |
Nick Eaton became Site Manager at Imperial College, replacing Sunil Sidher. This |
position replaces Nick's previous position as the ADAM System Contract Programmer. |
Alan Penny confirmed as Starlink Project Scientist. |
22 |
SP/1 First meeting of Starlink Panel (at RAL). Allocated money to sites for Capital equipment. |
31 |
Julian Gold (VIMSIG Programmer, CAM) left Project. |
Apr 1 |
Stuart Robinson (ADAM port, RAL) left Project. |
30 |
Starlink's expenditure estimate for FY 1992/93 in kPound: |
RAL staff costs 583 |
Recurrent 1192 |
Capital 295 |
TOTAL 2070 |
RAL overheads are 13.3/MY. Recurrent includes expenditure on site management and |
programming contracts (450k). |
May 1 |
John Deacon joined Project as assistant to Site Manager at UCL. |
Ian Skillen (Site Manager, CAM) left Project. |
Jun 1 |
Jodrell Bank ceased VMS operation; Starlink's first all-Unix site. |
Glasgow University got a grant to set up a Starlink node. |
Dave Berry (IRASSIG, MAN) left Project. |
9-10 |
SMM/41 (Sussex University). |
15 |
Starlink placed its largest ever order for hardware: over 250kPounds. |
Jul 1 |
Geraint Lewis joined Project as User Support Assistant at Cambridge. |
QMW Site Manager funding increased from 50% to 100%. |
2 |
Andrew Broderick (Student, RAL) left Project. |
13 |
SP/2 Starlink Panel meeting. |
16 |
Richard Saxton (XRAYSIG programmer, LEI) left Project. |
Aug 1 |
Liverpool John Moores University got a grant to set up a Starlink node. |
12 |
Barbara Bromage was replaced by Barry Kellett as RAL Site Manager. |
Sep 1 |
Shashi Kanbur joined Project as Site Manager at Glasgow. |
Subhash Rehan replaced Rolf Habing as Site Manager at Kent. |
Peter Bunclark joined Project as Site Manager at Cambridge (60%). |
Alan Scott joined Project as Site Manager at Liverpool John Moores. |
Peter Draper, Dave Berry, Horst Meyerdierks contracts extended 3 years. |
13-17 |
ADAM workshop 1993, La Palma. |
30 |
Chris Brindle (Site Manager, Hatfield), left Project. |
Oct 22 |
SP/3. |
27-28 |
AGM/5 (SMM/42) Cosener's House. |
31 |
Ian Jenkins stopped working for Project. |
Michael McSherry (BEL) left Project. |
Nov 5 |
Paul Rees (RAL) left Project to go to La Palma. |
22 |
Tim Gledhill joined Project as Site Manager, Hatfield. |
Dec 1 |
A windfall of about 300k Pounds became available to Starlink. It was |
spent on hardware upgrades to speed the move to Unix. |
Year 1994
Jan 5 |
Mrs Pamela Murray started as assistant to Site Manager at Durham. |
10 |
USSC supported on Sun/Solaris 2.x and AXP/OSF1 and released to sites. |
11 |
Last release of VMS Starlink application under old distribution |
mechanism. In future, only infrastructure updates will be distributed. |
11-15 |
Starlink had a stand at the AAS meeting in Washington DC. |
17 |
First USSC update that covers all 4 supported systems. |
20 |
Rhys Morris (CAR) left Project. |
21 |
NAO report "Value for Money" on 4 RAL projects (including Starlink) published. |
25 |
Official opening of the Glasgow node. |
First comprehensive list of user locations produced. |
31 |
Margaret Ellis (RAL) left Project. Tina Stocks replaced her temporarily. |
Deadline for the return of Starlink Software Survey Questionnaire 93/94. |
Feb 4/5 |
Starlink had a stand at "Astrofest" in London, organised by Astronomy Now magazine. |
8 |
Jo Grant ("Temp") started keying in Starlink Software Survey data. |
16/17 |
SMM/43, Coseners House. |
28 |
Jo Grant finished keying in the SSS data. |
Mar 1 |
Nicky Robbins started as Admin assistant at RAL. |
2 |
RAL shut down its VAX cluster. |
4 |
Tina Stocks (admin assistant) left Starlink. |
7 |
Karen Brazier joined Starlink as User Support Assistant at ROE on a 6-month fixed-term contract. |
8 |
STADAT upgraded from a VAX II to mVAX 3800 with more disk space. |
11 |
CAM had several of their Unix workstations stolen, value about 100k. |
17 |
ADAM Review Panel Meeting 1 at RAL. |
21 |
Official opening of the Liverpool node (LJM). |
David McGavin joined Starlink as User Support Assistant at ROE on a 12-month fixed-term contract. |
Apr 5-8 |
ENAM (European & National Astronomy Meeting) in Edinburgh. Starlink had |
a stand with demos & a glossy. |
6 |
CAM shut down its VAX cluster. |
May 1 |
Michael Bang joined Starlink as Site Manger at Manchester. |
MRA counted as a separate user centre from CAM, David is the Site Manager. |
16 |
Kevin Ferguson replaced David McGavin as User Support Assistant at ROE. |
23 |
ADAM Review Panel Meeting 2, London. |
26 |
Dave Mills left the Project. |
Jun 8-9 |
SMM/44, Cardiff. |
15 |
Martin Clayton joined Starlink as IUESIG programmer at UCL. |
Jul 29 |
Richard Nicholson (Site Manager, JOD) left Starlink. |
Dave Shone became acting Site Manager at JOD. |
Aug 16 |
James Albinson (Site Manager, KEE) left Starlink. |
Tim Naylor became acting Site Manager at KEE. |
19 |
Laurence Jones (Site Manager, SOU) left Starlink. |
Sep 19 |
Starlink Glossy No 2 released (Starlink's Software Environment) |
26-28 |
ADASS IV conference in Baltimore. (Terrett, Clayton, Wallace attended), |
Oct 1 |
New Starlink site at Sheffield. Address: Dept of Physics, University |
of Sheffield, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD, S3 7RH. Site Manager: Mr Phil Thorpe. |
Mike Hill became Site Manager at SOU. |
4 |
First of the new Starlink Software Strategy Groups (SSGs) met. |
Nov 1 |
Barry Smalley replaced Tim Naylor (acting) as Site Manager at Keele. |
2-3 |
AGM/6 (SMM/45), Coseners House. |
9 |
Starlink Panel meeting. |
Dec 12 |
Ray Riggs replaced Dave Shone (acting) as Site Manager at Jodrell Bank. |
Bernie McNally is now a Site Manager Assistant at Edinburgh. |
31 |
Target date for completing move from VMS to Unix. Met by all sites except EDI, KEN, QMW |
(waiting for CGS4DR software from Hawaii) and SUS (late starter). All sites are running USSC. |