ASTEXP Exports coordinate system information from images. 131
ASTIMP Imports coordinate system information into images. 135
CALCOR Performs dark or flash count corrections. 139
CCDALIGN Aligns images graphically by interactive object selection. 143
CCDCLEAR Clears global parameters. 147
CCDEDIT Edits the CCDPACK extensions of images. 148
CCDFORK Creates a script for executing CCDPACK commands in a background process. 156
CCDNDFAC Accesses a list of images, writing their names to a file. 157
CCDNOTE Adds a note to the log file. 159
CCDSETUP Sets up the CCDPACK global parameters. 160
CCDSHOW Displays the current values of any CCDPACK global parameters. 165
DEBIAS Debiasses lists of images either by bias image subtraction or by interpolation – applies bad data masks – extracts a subset of the data area – produces variances – applies saturation values. 166
DRAWNDF Draws aligned images or outlines on a graphics device. 175
DRIZZLE Resamples and mosaics using the drizzling algorithm. 180
FINDCENT Centroids image features. 185
FINDOBJ Locates and centroids image features. 189
FINDOFF Performs pattern-matching between position lists related by simple offsets. 194
FLATCOR Performs the flatfield correction on a list of images. 199
IDICURS Views and writes position lists interactively. 203