IMPORT Imports FITS information into CCDPACK extensions. 207
MAKEBIAS Produces a bias calibration image. 211
MAKECAL Produces calibration images for flash or dark counts. 216
MAKEFLAT Produces a flatfield image. 219
MAKEMOS Makes image mosaics by combining and normalising. 223
MAKESET Writes Set header information to images. 232
PAIRNDF Aligns images graphically by drag and drop 237
PLOTLIST Draws position markers on a graphics display. 243
PRESENT Presents a list of images to CCDPACK. 246
REDUCE Automatic CCD data reduction facility (command-line version) 252
REGISTER Determines transformations between lists of positions. 253
SCHEDULE Schedules an automated CCDPACK reduction. 260
SHOWSET Outputs image Set header information. 264
TRANLIST Transforms lists of positions. 267
TRANNDF Transforms (resamples) images. 274
WCSEDIT Modifies or examines image coordinate system information. 278
WCSREG Aligns images using multiple coordinate systems. 282
XREDUCE Starts the automated CCD data reduction GUI. 285