The routine adds two
NDF data structures
pixel-by-pixel to produce a new NDF.
add in1 in2 out
IN1 = NDF (Read)
First NDF to be added.
IN2 = NDF (Read)
Second NDF to be added.
Output NDF to contain the sum of the two input NDFs.
The title for the output NDF. A null value will cause the title of the NDF supplied for
Parameter IN1 to be used instead. [!]
add a b c
This adds the NDF called b to
the NDF called a, to make the NDF called c. NDF c inherits its title from a. add out=c
in1=a in2=b title="Co-added image"
This adds the NDF called b to the NDF called a, to
make the NDF called c. NDF c has the title "Co-added image"
. Notes:
If the two input
NDFs have different pixel-index bounds, then they will be trimmed to match before being
added. An error will result if they have no pixels in common.
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