The routine multiplies
NDF data structures pixel-by-pixel to produce a new NDF.
mult in1 in2
IN1 = NDF (Read)
First NDF to be multiplied.
IN2 = NDF (Read)
Second NDF to be multiplied.
OUT = NDF (Write)
Output NDF to contain the product
of the two input NDFs.
The title for the output NDF. A null
value will cause the title of the NDF supplied for Parameter IN1 to be used
instead. [!]
mult a b c
This multiplies the NDF called a
by the NDF called b, to make the NDF called c. NDF c inherits its title from
a. mult out=c in1=a in2=b title="Normalised spectrum"
This multiplies
the NDF called a by the NDF called b, to make the NDF called c. NDF c has the
title "Normalised spectrum"
. Notes:
If the two input NDFs have different
pixel-index bounds, then they will be trimmed to match before being multiplied. An
error will result if they have no pixels in common.
Related Applications
Implementation Status:
This routine correctly processes the AXIS, DATA, QUALITY, LABEL, TITLE, UNITS,
HISTORY, WCS, and VARIANCE components of an NDF data structure and propagates all
Processing of bad pixels and automatic quality masking are supported.
All non-complex numeric data types can be handled. Calculations are performed using the
most appropriate of the data types integer, real or double precision. If the input NDF
structures contain values with other data types, then conversion will be performed as
Huge NDFs are supported.