In the previous example the data array was modified in situ – no new NDF was created. However it is often preferable to create a new NDF rather than overwriting an input one. This can be done by propagating an existing NDF using NDF_PROP, which has the following calling sequence.
NDF1 is the identifier for an existing NDF which is used as the model (or template) for the new NDF. CLIST contains a list of data objects separated by commas as described below. PARAM is an ADAM parameter used to retrieve the name of the new NDF. NDF2 returns the identifier allocated to the new NDF, and STATUS is the global status.
The data objects which are to be copied from the model NDF to the new one are defined in the string CLIST. By default, the HISTORY, LABEL and TITLE data objects plus all extensions are propagated to the new NDF. Others are propagated by specifying them in CLIST. The propagation of default standard items can be suppressed by specifying ’NOHISTORY’ etc. The propagation of a particular extension is suppressed by specifying the extension name, for example, NOEXTENSION(FIGARO).
For example, the CLIST arguments below propagate the items which follow:
CLIST | Items propagated |
’ ’ | title, label, history & extensions |
’NOHISTORY’ | title, label & extensions |
’DATA,QUALITY,VARIANCE,AXIS’ | title, label, history, extensions, data, quality, variance & axis |
’NOEXTENSION(IRAS,FIGARO)’ | title, label, history & extensions except IRAS & Figaro |
ADAM_EXAMPLES:ADDNEW.FOR is a modified version of the program ADDCONST considered in the last section. It uses NDF_PROP to produce a new output NDF rather than updating the input file. The associated interface file, ADDNEW.IFL, includes the parameter ’OUTPUT’ to retrieve the name of the output NDF. The relevant portion of ADDNEW.FOR is reproduced below:
Note that the input NDF is opened with ’READ’
access rather than ’UPDATE’
In this example, everything including the main data array is propagated, and the copied data array in the output NDF is then mapped for update and modified in situ, thus avoiding the need to map the input data array. Of course this approach is not always suitable. Frequently the input data array is not propagated, but is mapped and used to generate the values which are written to the output data array. In such cases, the output data array is mapped for write access and is undefined until the program-generated data values are written to it.
What should be propagated?
A little consideration must be given to the choice of items to propagate. The basic rule is that an application program must not propagate items which may have become invalid.
For example, if the data processing is such that the original variance array is no longer valid then the output NDF must not contain this array. The program has the choice of producing an output with no variance array or creating a correctly evaluated variance array. (The subject of processing the variance array is considered in Section 13.) In the example program ADDNEW, all the data objects were propagated because adding a constant to the main data array does not invalidate the AXIS, VARIANCE, QUALITY etc.
For a given application, the standard objects in an NDF can be divided into three categories:
As described in Section 16, an extension contains a set of related data objects which are not accommodated in the standard NDF. For example, the ‘IRAS’ extension might contain those data specific to the recording and processing of IRAS observations. The treatment of extensions obeys similar rules to that of standard NDF components and can be summarised as follows:
The propagated NDF has the same dimensionality and data type as the template NDF – irrespective of whether the data component has been propagated or not. In the example NDF below, the data component was not propagated, and before values were assigned to the new data array, the output NDF had the following form:
If the data shape and type are appropriate for the output NDF, the array can be mapped for ’WRITE’ and appropriate values assigned. However, if the data shape or type are not as required in the output NDF, these can be modified using the NDF routines NDF_SBND and NDF_STYPE.