A double precision version PDA_DCFFTF of the routine has been added.
subroutine pda_cfftf(n,c,wsave)
subroutine pda_cfftf computes the forward complex discrete fourier
transform (the fourier analysis). equivalently , pda_cfftf computes
the fourier coefficients of a complex periodic sequence.
the transform is defined below at output parameter c.
the transform is not normalized. to obtain a normalized transform
the output must be divided by n. otherwise a call of pda_cfftf
followed by a call of pda_cfftb will multiply the sequence by n.
the array wsave which is used by subroutine pda_cfftf must be
initialized by calling subroutine pda_cffti(n,wsave).
input parameters
n the length of the complex sequence c. the method is
more efficient when n is the product of small primes. n
c a complex array of length n which contains the sequence
wsave a real work array which must be dimensioned at least 4n+15
in the program that calls pda_cfftf. the wsave array must be
initialized by calling subroutine pda_cffti(n,wsave) and a
different wsave array must be used for each different
value of n. this initialization does not have to be
repeated so long as n remains unchanged thus subsequent
transforms can be obtained faster than the first.
the same wsave array can be used by pda_cfftf and pda_cfftb.
output parameters
c for j=1,...,n
c(j)=the sum from k=1,...,n of
where i=sqrt(-1)
wsave contains initialization calculations which must not be
destroyed between calls of subroutine pda_cfftf or pda_cfftb