A double precision version PDA_DCFFTI of the routine has been added.
subroutine pda_cffti(n,wsave)
subroutine pda_cffti initializes the array wsave which is used in
both pda_cfftf and pda_cfftb. the prime factorization of n together with
a tabulation of the trigonometric functions are computed and
stored in wsave.
input parameter
n the length of the sequence to be transformed
output parameter
wsave a work array which must be dimensioned at least 4*n+15
the same work array can be used for both pda_cfftf and pda_cfftb
as long as n remains unchanged. different wsave arrays
are required for different values of n. the contents of
wsave must not be changed between calls of pda_cfftf or pda_cfftb.