This routine removes a
baseline from each scan. The baseline is determined in a number of ways. For removal of a linear
baseline, a fit is made to the scan ends before removing this from the entire scan.
The linear baseline fit is calculated over
regions CHOP
arcseconds from the scan ends. This region should be as large as possible but
should only include baseline regions – any scan that includes a source detection within CHOP
arcseconds of the scan ends will be rendered useless. The default value is the chop throw.
IN = NDF (Read)
The name of the input file containing demodulated SCUBA data.
Governs the method to be used for calculating the baseline.
Options are MEDIAN: Remove the median from each scan, MEAN: remove the mean
level from each scan, LINEAR: fit a linear baseline to the ends of the scan.SECTION: Use a
SCUBA section to specify regions of each integration that are thought to be flux free. Remove
the median of the specified section from the associated integration. Default is LINEAR.
The messaging level. Allowed values are QUIET, NORM
and VERB. Default is NORM. There are no verbose messages.
OUT = NDF (Write)
name of the output file to contain the processed data.
parameter governs whether the baseline fit is removed from the input data or stored instead
of the data. If RLB is .TRUE. the corrected data are returned. If RLB is .FALSE. the fit is
This array parameter can be used to specify SCUBA
sections to be used for baseline calculation. It is requested when METHOD=SECTION.
In general the SCUBA section should include scan (exposure) or position (p) specifiers
which will be applied to each bolometer and integration. It is possible to be more specific
and to provide multiple sections singling out certain bolometers or integrations. If entire
integrations are selected no baseline removal will occur on unselected integrations (this will be
stated). The median of the section supplied for each integration is subtracted from every
exposure in that integration (remember that if no integration is specified, all integrations are
Curly brackets must still be given. Since this is an array parameter square brackets must be used to
specify more than one component:
[ {e1} , {e4;b2} ]
would select exposure one from each integration along with exposure 4 for bolometer 2. be used if the
square brackets are not used.
Care must also be taken when using commas in SCUBA sections - the parameter system will split
multiple entries on commas unless the entire section is quoted:
If necessary the negation character should come after a section (ie after the closing curly bracket) and
that negation applies to the combined section and not just the string containing the negation
implies that the section consists of everything except exposure 3.