Processing math: 100%


Concatenate photometry datasets for further processing


This routine reads in a list of user specified files and concatenates their data, variance and quality arrays so that Kappa routines like stats and kstest can analyse a complete set of photometry observations. scucat can be configured so that either all data are concatenated into one file regardless of bolometer (METHOD=catall) or data for each bolometer is kept separate (METHOD=separate). In the latter case, if a file contained data for H7 and H9 then two output files would be created (e.g. test_h7 and test_h9 - if the OUT parameter was set to ‘test’) and for each new bolometer a new file is created (existing files are overwritten) and data is appended to these files when more data for these bolometers is supplied.


scucat out in


BOL = CHAR (Read)
If the input file is an NDF (and not an HDS container as expected) then this parameter should be given to tell the software the bolometer that should be associated with this data.
IN = NDF (Read)
The input dataset(s). This parameter is requested repeatedly until a NULL (!) value is given. The input dataset can either be output from scuphot or an NDF file. A comma-separated list of files is allowed. A text file containing a list of files can be specified using the up-carat symbol (^) in front of the text file name.
Turns the looping on (default is true) or off (false)
Governs whether data from different bolometers are combined regardless (CATALL) or written to separate files (SEPARATE). Default is ‘SEPARATE’. The choice of this parameter governs the behaviour of the OUT parameter.
Message filter level. Allowed values are QUIET, NORM and VERB. Default is NORM. There are no verbose messages.
OUT = CHAR (Write)
If METHOD=separate this parameter governs the root name of the output NDF (i.e. <OUT>_bol). If METHOD=catall this parameter can be used to specify the actual output file name.


scucat test phot
This routine will copy the data from phot to test_<bol>, reducing multiple bolometers to individual files. If the input set contained data for bolometer H7 the output file will be test_h7.sdf. The program will then ask for another data set.
scucat test ext_long noloop
This will copy all the data from ext_long.sdf to test_<bol>.sdf and will then exit without asking further questions.
scucat outfile ’file1,file2,file3’ noloop method=separate
Concatenate the data from file1, file2 and file3 into output files containing the rootname of ‘outfile’.
scucat outfile in=^input.lis noloop method=catall
This will copy all the data contained in the files listed in input.lis and write it to a file called outfile.sdf.


Related Applications

SURF: scuphot;
KAPPA: ndfcopy, kstest

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