J Release Notes—V3.0-3
The main changes are the addition of recipes for Michelle nodded and chopped observations, and a
rearranged directory structure for new and multi-mode instruments.
J.1 New recipes
- This is for Michelle. It derives a mean bias file, and calculates and reports the
read noise, using the latter pair of minimum-exposure frames in the array tests sequence.
Both the bias frame and readnoise are recorded in the calibration system.
- Reduction of nodded and chopped data, specifically for Michelle. Each recipe
cycle comprises four frames located at two nod positions and the A and B beams. The
individual beams are differenced and then so are successive pairs of observations. The
differenced images are then combined into a mosaic. On successive cycles the mosaics are
- As NOD_CHOP, but it also extracts, registers, and combines the two
positive and two negative images of the source. Then it performs 3-arcsecond aperture
photometry on the combined image, logging to a small text list. It compares the object
name against a file of
standards to determine the zero point. No extinction correciton is currently applied, as
the coefficients have yet to be determined.
- As NOD_CHOP, but mosaic registration is adjusted to track the
motion of an asteroid or compact comet using ephemeris data.
- Reduces chopped and nodded poliarmetry data of point and small
arcsec) extended sources, specifically for Michelle. The data are expects to iterate over
waveplate angle before the telescope is nodded. The recipe forms integrating mosaics as
NOD_CHOP, for each of four waveplate angles. For each mosaic it combines the two
positive and two negative images of the source. The recipe then calculates polarisation
frames and catalogues of vectors from these as earlier recipes like POL_JITTER.
- As POL_ANGLE_NOD_CHOP, except the data are ordered such that the
telescope performs its nodding pattern before the waveplate is turned.
J.2 Modified recipes
- ARRAY_TESTS Instrument-specific versions for UFTI and IRCAM. Both record the
read noise in the calibration system.
J.3 Global changes
The main changes from a user perspective were as follows.
- Correct data variance creation for UKIRT infra-red data. The previous calculations were
for CCD data.
- Easier to switch on data-variance processing. This combined with handling of chopped
data has caused some reordering of the early steps; for instance the editing of the world
co-ordinate system (WCS) occurs just before dark subtraction, rather than immediately
after the _IMAGING_HELLO_ preliminaries. Thus a few of the early frames such as _db
and _bp now do not have a WCS defined.
- More-efficient masking using EXTRACTOR instead of PISA. Some of the acceleration is
because some of the steps to sweeten the data for PISA, such as the removal of the bad
pixels, are now unnecessary.
- Flat-field creation now uses an unweighted median to give approximately equal
weighting to the contributing frames. The previous version of MAKEFLAT was supposed
to weight the values but had bugs. The corrected task weights by the data value in the
absence of a variance array assuming pure Poisson statistics, which is in appropriate for
infra-red data. The unweighted median gives similar results to earlier Orac-dr versions.
There is a beneficial exception where the earlier MAKEFLAT biassed towards certain
contributing frames, and the unweighted median gives a more equitable division.
- An improved option for registration is available, although it is not the default. It uses the
WCS to only compare sources in the overlap regions, and permits a match using a single
source, provided it is within 12 pixels of the nominal WCS position.
- For moving-target registration and the ephemeris file, a bug affecting object names
containing spaces is fixed.
- Better formatting of output with blank lines to block related output, and some of the
commentary contain more details. The historical and unnecessary "Orac says: " prefix was
removed from the commentary.
- The nearest-neighbour registration immediately prior to forming a mosaic had assumed
that the brightest object with identification number 1 would be present in all the offset
files. In rare cases, this may not be true. For instance, if the centred target is a faint or low
surface-brightness galaxy at low galactic latitude, brighter stars relegate the galaxy to a
high identification number. So the code now checks for a common-denominator object
between all the frames with a higher identification number.
- The mosaic-making primitive has been partly restructured to make the code more
obvious, and it also rationalises the naming. Gone is the _mu file. The mosaic with bad
pixels filled has its own _fb suffix. All individual-cycle mosaics are retained. The only
disadvantage is that for a single-cycle observation, there are two copies of the same
mosaic, one with suffix _mos and the other with suffix _mos_0; the recipe cannot know if
there is a second cycle to come.
- The mosaics have the world co-ordinate system domain set to sky so that displays with
Gaia and Kappa have sky co-ordinates.
- The start and end UT times for mosaics are updated to that of the first- and
last-contributing frames.
- The photometry results file now reports the sky in counts per second (previously just
counts), and the exposure time. The alignment of the columns is thus slightly altered.
- The recipe tidying has been improved to remove all unwanted files. Some of the
registration text files, certain suffices, and later-cycle frames were being missed.
- In the polarimetry calculations, the chip position angle is added to the offset of north
with respect to the analyser, so that the vectors are also measured with respect to north.
This omission had been giving vector orientations approximately 89 degrees too high for
- More allowance for occasional problems with the headers in the raw data, e.g. the base
R.A. in degrees not hours and defunct instrument read modes.
- In earlier versions, there were fatal errors which the recipes reported, but allowed the
pipeline to continue. These are now corrected so that the recipe ends its processing.
- Expanded tutorial documentation, particularly of the description of algorithms used by
the primitives and more hyperlinks, and updated for the new directory structure. Various
minor improvements, new hyperlinks and corrections to the recipe documentation.
The main changes from a programmer perspective were as follows.
- The primitives access user headers for steering.
- The FITS header information is accessed through generic user headers with the prefix
. This insulation permits common code for multiple instruments.
- There were upgrades for the latest versions of Kappa and ARD, notably for further use
of the world co-ordinate system. In general recipes use the pixel domain for tasks like
CENTROID and PSF, recording the former domain, and then resetting WCS frame after
using the Kappa task.
- There is a reorganised directory structure for the recipes and primitives. These are divided
into instrument-specific; general; or by topic, such as imaging or spectroscopy. The topic
directories also have subdirectories for specific instruments. This restructuring permits
code reuse for current and new instruments. It is also now possible to have recipes and
primitives with the same name for different topics or instrument. Such scripts do have
similar functions, but the exact processing depends on the data topic or some instrument
Copyright © 2004 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council