J Release Notes—V3.0-3

 J.1 New recipes
 J.2 Modified recipes
 J.3 Global changes

The main changes are the addition of recipes for Michelle nodded and chopped observations, and a rearranged directory structure for new and multi-mode instruments.

J.1 New recipes

This is for Michelle. It derives a mean bias file, and calculates and reports the read noise, using the latter pair of minimum-exposure frames in the array tests sequence. Both the bias frame and readnoise are recorded in the calibration system.
Reduction of nodded and chopped data, specifically for Michelle. Each recipe cycle comprises four frames located at two nod positions and the A and B beams. The individual beams are differenced and then so are successive pairs of observations. The differenced images are then combined into a mosaic. On successive cycles the mosaics are co-added.
As NOD_CHOP, but it also extracts, registers, and combines the two positive and two negative images of the source. Then it performs 3-arcsecond aperture photometry on the combined image, logging to a small text list. It compares the object name against a file of N, Q standards to determine the zero point. No extinction correciton is currently applied, as the coefficients have yet to be determined.
As NOD_CHOP, but mosaic registration is adjusted to track the motion of an asteroid or compact comet using ephemeris data.
Reduces chopped and nodded poliarmetry data of point and small ( < 10 arcsec) extended sources, specifically for Michelle. The data are expects to iterate over waveplate angle before the telescope is nodded. The recipe forms integrating mosaics as NOD_CHOP, for each of four waveplate angles. For each mosaic it combines the two positive and two negative images of the source. The recipe then calculates polarisation frames and catalogues of vectors from these as earlier recipes like POL_JITTER.
As POL_ANGLE_NOD_CHOP, except the data are ordered such that the telescope performs its nodding pattern before the waveplate is turned.

J.2 Modified recipes

J.3 Global changes

The main changes from a user perspective were as follows.

The main changes from a programmer perspective were as follows.