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B File prefixes

The UKIRT-style naming convention comprises a prefix followed by the eight-digit UT date; underscore; the group or observation number, depending on whether it is a file associated with the group like a mosaic, or a single frame; and finally if it has undergone processing, a suffix.

Section C discusses and lists the last of these.

As a rule of thumb, the group prefix is the frame prefix preceded by g. Here is a table of the prefixes.

Instrument  Frame Prefix Group Prefix


Classic Cam cc gcc

Applies to raw frames after processing with cc2oracdr.

INGRID r gingrid

Format is <prefix><obs_number>, for individual frames. Group files use the UKIRT convention.

IRCAM i gi

ro rg

Before 2000 August

IRIS2 gi

Format is <date><obs_number>, for individual frames, where <date> is in the form ddmmm. Group files use the UKIRT convention.

ISAAC isaac gisaac

Applies to raw frames after processing with isaac2oracdr.

Michelle m gm

NACO naco gnaco

Applies to raw frames after processing with naco2oracdr.


UFTI f gf

UIST u gu

ORAC-DR converts the FITS data for instruments like INGRID and NIRI, note that the naming convention may be different for the raw FITS data compared with their raw NDF counterparts. For example, NIRI files are named N followed by the eight-digit UT date, then S and the four-digit observation number; and have file extension .fits.