Measures dark current and creates a new bad-pixel mask for UIST DARK_AND_BPM
The recipe applies thresholds to the dark frame and flags pixels outside these limits as bad. The thresholds are derived from 3-standard-deviation clipped statistics; pixels more than 5 standard deviations above the mean are flagged.
The bad pixels detected are added into the current bad-pixel mask and then this is filed with the calibration system as a new and current bad-pixel mask.
The new bad-pixel mask is applied to the original dark frame, whose unclipped mean scaled by the gain and inverse exposure time is the dark current in electrons per second.
The engineering log $ORAC_DATA_OUT/uist_array_tests.log.
The processing engines are from the Starlink package Kappa.
Uses the Starlink NDF format.
History is recorded within the data files.
Error propagation is not used.