A Directory Layout

orac-dr is designed to include all its directories in a single location and not to care where that location is. All orac-dr software is located relative to the directory described by the ORAC_DIR environment variable.

The standard layout is as follows.


Executable programs. This includes Orac-dr, oracman and others. Note that none of the programs that form part of orac-dr are binary. The core orac-dr system will run anywhere the necessary Perl modules are available.


All the recipe files. Contains a directory for each instrument (using upper case) usually matching the value of the ORAC_INSTRUMENT environment variable.


All the primitive files. Contains a directory for each instrument (using upper case) usually matching the value of the ORAC_INSTRUMENT environment variable.


Basic introductory documentation for orac-dr.


Library files required by orac-dr. Contains a perl5 directory with all the Perl modules used by the system. The perl5 directory is the usual value for the ORAC_PERL5LIB environment variable.


Image files used by the system. Contains the start up images for the display tools (in NDF format).


Main documentation. Contains a directory per document. Currently contains all the Starlink User Notes.


Graphical user interface definitions. Only used by oracdisp.