Receive any incoming message
message_name_s = int (given)
message_value_s = int (given)
message_status = int * (returned)
message_context = int * (returned)
message_name = char * (returned)
message_length = int * (returned)
message_value = char * (returned)
path = int * (returned)
messid = int * (returned)
status = int * (given and returned)
Any received message is unpacked appropriately and the contents returned to the calling routine. Only those arguments relevant to the particular message type will be returned.
Note that the received message may be a TIMEOUT message as a result of the timer being set.
If ’timeout’ is not MESSYS__INFINITE, the function sets the timer clock going so that we get a timeout if there is no response within ’timeout’ milliseconds. The ATIMER package is used to handle timers.
The function then looks for a message on any of this task’s receive queues and returns the message components.