Send a message on a given (path,messid)
messid = int (given)
message_function = int (given)
message_status = int (given)
message_context = int (given)
message_name = char * (given)
message_length = int (given)
message_value = char * (given)
status = int * (given and returned)
As part of transaction ’messid’ on path ’path’, the user wishes to send the message AS A REPLY to a previously received message from the other end of the path. The user can ONLY reply with a MESSYS__DE_INIT message (something has gone wrong) or with a normal MESSY__MESSAGE message. Any other value of message_function will result in status MESSYS__MSGFUNC being returned.
A MESSYS__MESSAGE message may be a GSOC_END, terminating a transaction or one of the various other types, MESSYS__INFORM, MESSYS__PARAMREQ etc.