Reshape an HDS object
Changes the dimensions of the specified object.
The number of dimensions may be decreased but the total number of elements must remain the same
unless only the length of the last (or only) dimension is changed. If the size is decreased, elements will
be discarded; if it is increased, the value of additional elements is not defined. The operation will fail if
the object is a structure array and any truncated elements contain components.
inp dims
INP = CHAR (Read)
The name of the object to be re-shaped.
= INTEGER (Read)
New dimensions of object, comma or space separated and enclosed in [ ] if more
than one ([ ] optional in response to a prompt).
Assuming numarr is a 50x100 array of
% hreshape numarr 5000
Changes numvarr to a 5000 element vector. % hreshape
numarr ’
Produces a 50x50 array of numbers. Elements [:50-100] are discarded. % hreshape
numarr ’
After the last example this would restore the original shape of numarr but the
previously discarded values may be lost. Method
Uses HDS subroutines DAT_ALTER or
DAT_MOULD as appropriate.
Copyright © 2000 Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils