Write an HDS object into formatted/unformatted file


Writes values from an HDS primitive object into an ASCII (default) or binary file. One value is written per record.

For ASCII file output a default format is used unless explicitly overridden.


hwrite inp file [binary=] [fmt=]


INP = UNIV (Read)
Object to be input and read. <GLOBAL.HDSOBJ >
FILE = _CHAR (Read)
Output filename.
Whether file to be binary (Fortran unformatted). [NO]
FMT = _CHAR (Read)
Output format for ASCII file. If null (!) is specified, a default format is used for each different data type. [!]


% hwrite cfile.structure.data values.dat
Write component DATA to ASCII file values.dat with default format
% hwrite cfile.structure.data values.dat fmt=F12.6
As above but with specified format
% hwrite cfile.structure.data values.dat binary
Write component DATA in binary form into sequential, unformatted file.