A collection of utilities for estimating focal plane distortion


This routine provides various functions needed by the scripts that determine a 2D polynomial describing the focal plane disortion produced by SCUBA-2 optics.


Only accessed if a time series cube is specified via parameter " IN" . It gives the name of a text file in which to place an AST dump of a Mapping from a modified PIXEL Frame to the SKY offset frame for a time slice close to the middle of the data set The PIXEL frame is modified in the sense that its origin (i.e. pixel coords (0,0,0.0) ) is shifted so that it co-incides with the sky reference point. No file is created if a null (!) value is supplied. [!]
Only accessed if a time series cube is specified via parameter " IN" , and a null(!) value sispecified for parameter BMAP. It gives the border width in pixels. Time slices with peak positions closer to any edge than this amount will not be included in the output catalogue. [4]
Only accessed if a value is supplied for " INCAT" . If supplied, COLNAME should be the name of a column in the INCAT catalogue. An output NDF holding these values will be created (see parameter COLNDF). [!]
COLNDF = NDF (Write)
Only accessed if a value is supplied for " COLNAME" . If supplied, an NDF is created holding the values from the catalogue column specified by COLNAME. The column value from each row in the INCAT catalgue is pasted into the output NDF at a position specified by the BD1/BF2 columns.
Only accessed if input NDFs are specified for parameter INFITX and INFITY, and if a non-null (!) value is supplied for parameter OUTCODE. It indices whether the code written to the OUTCODE file should describe the forward or inverse PolyMap transformation.
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. It gives the pixel size (in mm), of the NDFs created via parameters OUTANG and OUTMAG. [1.0]
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. It gives the upper bound (in mm) on the focal plane X axis, of the NDFs created via parameters OUTANG and OUTMAG. [50]
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. It gives the lower bound (in mm) on the focal plane X axis, of the NDFs created via parameters OUTANG and OUTMAG. [-50]
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. It gives the focal plane X coord for a point that defines a global offset to be removed from OUTMAG and OUTANG. The point specified by FXOFF and FYOFF will have value zero in OUTANG. No offset is removed if a null (!) value is supplied. [!]
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. It gives the upper bound (in mm) on the focal plane Y axis, of the NDFs created via parameters OUTANG and OUTMAG. [50]
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. It gives the lower bound (in mm) on the focal plane Y axis, of the NDFs created via parameters OUTANG and OUTMAG. [-50]
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. It gives the focal plane Y coord for a point that defines a global offset to be removed from OUTMAG and OUTANG. The point specified by FXOFF and FYOFF will have value zero in OUTANG. No offset is removed if a null (!) value is supplied. [!]
IN = NDF (Read)
Only accessed if null (!) values are supplied for parameter INFITX, INFITY, and INCAT. It should be a time series cube. If a non-null value is supplied, then the BMAP parameter can be used to get the WCS Mapping for a typical time slice, or the OUTCAT parameter can be used to create a catalogue holding the expected source position (in GRID coords) in every time slice. A single time slice from this cube can also be written to an output NDF (see parameter OUTSLICE). A list of time slices in which the reference point is close to a specified bolometer can also be produced (see parameter XBOL).
A 2D NDF holding fitted focal plane X offsets (in mm) at every bolometer, or null (!). This NDF shoudl have been created by KAPPA:FITSURFACE, and should hold the coefficients of the fit in the SURFACEFIT extension. If NDFs are supplied for both INFITX and INFITY, then the OUTCODE parameter can be used to create C source code describing the coefficients in a form usable by the AST PolyMap constructor. In addition, the OUTDX and OUTDY parameters can be used to create output NDFs containing the values for the inverse quantities.
A 2D NDF holding fitted focal plane Y offsets (in mm) at every bolometer, or null (!). See INFITX.
Only access if a null (!) value is supplied for INFITX or INFITY. It is a text file holding a catalogue of corrected and uncorrected pixel positions for every bolometer in the subarray specified by SUBARRAY. These are used to create output NDFs holding the X and Y focal plane offset (in mm) at every bolometer in the subarray (see OUTDX and OUTDY). An output catalogue can also be produced holding extra columns, and from which abberant rows have been rejected (see parameter OUTCAT).
The integer index of a time slice to be dumped to an NDF (see OUTSLICE). If supplied, the application terminates without further action once the NDF has been created. [!]
Only accessed if a value is supplied for parameter IN. It gives the lowest time slice data sum (as a fraction of the largest time slice data sum in the supplied timne series cube) for usable time slices. Any time slices that have total data sums less than this value are skipped.
Only accessed if a value is supplied for parameter INCAT. It gives the number of sigma-clipping iterations to be performed whilst creating the output NDFs. [3]
If a value was supplied for INCAT, then OUTCAT is the name of an output catalogue to create, containing a copy of the input catalogue form which abberant rows have been removed, and contaiing some extra informative columns (e.g. offsets in focal plane and pixel coordinates). No catalogue is created if a null (!) value is supplied. If a value is supplied for IN, then OUTCAT will hold the expected source position in each time slice.
If a value was supplied for INFITX and INFITY, then OUTCODE is the name of an output text file in which to store the C code describing the coefficients of the forward or inverse distortion polynomial.
OUTDX = NDF (Write)
If a value was supplied for INFITX and INFITY, then OUTDX gives the name of the NDF in which to store the inverse X axis corrections at each bolometer in the subarray (in mm). If a value was supplied for INCAT, then OUTDX is the name of an NDF to recieve the forward X axis correctiosn at every bolometer in the subarray (in mm).
OUTDY = NDF (Write)
If a value was supplied for INFITX and INFITY, then OUTDX gives the name of the NDF in which to store the inverse Y axis corrections at each bolometer in the subarray (in mm). If a value was supplied for INCAT, then OUTDX is the name of an NDF to recieve the forward Y axis correction at every bolometer in the subarray (in mm).
OUTANG = NDF (Write)
Only acccessed if a non-null value is supplied for parameter OUTMAG. OUTANG specifies the output NDF to receive the orientation of the distortion (in degrees anti-clockwise from the positive Y axis) at each point in the focal plane.
OUTFX = NDF (Write)
The name of an NDF to recieve the focal plane X value (in arc-sec) at each bolometer in the subarray specified by SUBARRAY. Only produced if a non-null value is also supplied for OUTFY. [!]
OUTFY = NDF (Write)
The name of an NDF to recieve the focal plane Y value (in arc-sec) at each bolometer in the subarray specified by SUBARRAY. Only produced if a non-null value is also supplied for OUTFX. [!]
OUTMAG = NDF (Write)
An output NDF to receive the magnitude of the distortion (in mm) at each point in the focal plane. If a null (!) value is supplied, no NDF will be created. The NDFs specified by OUTMAG and OUTANG can be displayed as a vector plot using KAPPA:VECPLOT. In addition, the outline of any sub-array can be over-plotted by changing the current coordinate Frame and then using KAPPA:ARDPLOT (for instance " wcsframe outmag s8a" followed by " ardplot s8a" ). Note, for some distortions (e.g. NEW4) the distortion at 450 and 850 are different. The waveband to use is determined by the value supplied for the SUBARRAY parameter. [!]
If a value was supplied for IN and ITIME, then OUTSLICE gives the name of the NDF in which to store the bolometer data for the given time slice, including celestial WCS.
The name of the subarray being processed: one of " s8a" , " s8b" , " s8b" , " s8d" , " s4a" , " s4b" , " s4b" , " s4d" . If OUTMAG is not null, then the value supplied for SUBARRAY determines the waveband for which the distortion is returned.
The index of a test bolometer on the first GRID axis within the sub-array containing the bolometer. If values are supplied for all of IN, XBOL, YBOL and RADIUS, then a list of time slice indices are displayed. These are the indices of the time slice in which the reference point is close to the bolometer specified by (XBOL,YBOL). The RADIUS parameter spcified the distance limit. [!]
The index of a test bolometer on the second GRID axis within the sub-array containing the bolometer. See XBOL. [!]
RADIUS = _REAL (Given)
The radius of a test circle, in bolometers. See XBOL. [!]

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