Dice an image or cube into JSA tiles


This routine creates multiple output NDFs by dicing a supplied 2D- or 3D- NDF up into JSA tiles (i.e. it is the inverse of JSAPASTER). The spatial WCS of the input NDF must matches the JSA all-sky grid.


IN = NDF (Read)
The input 2D or 3D NDF - it need not have been created by a smurf task. Currently, it should be gridded on the JSA all-sky pixel grid, which means that in practice it probably will have been created by MAKEMAP or MAKECUBE.
The JCMT instrument (different instruments have different tiling schemes and pixel sizes). The following instrument names are recognised (unambiguous abbreviations may be supplied): " SCUBA-2(450)" , " SCUBA-2(850)" , " ACSIS" , " DAS" . The dynamic default is determined from the input NDF if possible. If this cannot be done, then no dynamic default is provided, and the user is prompted for a value if none was supplied on the command line. []
Returned holding the zero-based indices of the created JSA tiles. The number of such indices is given the " NTILE" parameter
AN output parameter which is returned holding the number of output NDFs created.
OUT = NDF (Write)
The base-name for the output NDFs. The names will be formed by appending the tile number to the basename, preceded by an underscore. A null(!) value causes the name of the input NDF to be used. [!]
The name of a text file to create, in which to put the names of all the output NDFs created by this application via parameter OUT (one per line). If a null (!) value is supplied no file is created. [!]
Determines the projection used by the output NDFs. The allowed values are " HPX" (HPX projection centred on RA=0h), " HPX12" (HPX projection centred on RA=12h), " XPHN" (XPH projection centred on the north pole) and " XPHS" (XPH projection centred on the south pole). A null (!) value causes " HPX" to be used. [" HPX" ]
A zero or negative value results in each output NDF covering the full area of the corresponding JSAtile. A value of one results in each output NDF being cropped to the bounds of the supplied NDF. A value of two or more results in each output NDF being cropped to remove any blank borders. [2]